
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

26/05/2023 - Approval and authorisation to enter into a contract with Calverton Parish Council for the provision of grounds maintenance services for 2023/2024 ref: 1410    For Determination

It is proposed that the Council enters into a new one year contract for the Council to provide ground maintenance services to Calverton Parish Council from 1st April 2023 at the rates outlined in the Bill of Quantity.

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Natural Habitat

Decision published: 05/06/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


Approval is given for the Council to enter into a one year contract with Calverton Parish Council to provide grounds maintenance services from 1st April 2023.

Lead officer: Esther Storer

26/05/2023 - Arnold Churches Together Joint Church Service ref: 1427    Recommendations Approved

To give permission for Eagles Nest Church to hold a joint church service in Arnot Hill Park on 11th June between 9am and 2pm.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment Communities and Leisure

Decision published: 26/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


That Eagles Nest Church (Arnold) be allowed to go ahead with their joint church service event as outlined on the above date. Attendance, est. 350
This decision is dependent on correct insurance and event risk assessment and will require the issue of a user licence agreement indemnifying Gedling Borough Council in the event of accident for any activities held on the park and provide evidence of public liability insurance.

Lead officer: Jane Richardson

26/05/2023 - Agreement of Membership of the Planning Delegation Panel ref: 1426    Recommendations Approved

To agree the Membership of the Planning delegation panel.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 26/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


That the following members of the Planning Committee be agreed as the six permanent members of the Planning Delegation Panel:

Councillor Roy Allan

Councillor Stuart Bestwick

Councillor David Ellis

Councillor Ron McCrossen

Councillor Lynda Pearson

Councillor Ruth Strong

Lead officer: Emma McGinlay

24/05/2023 - Arnot Hill Park Funfair ref: 1425    Recommendations Approved

To give permission for John Proctor and James Mellors to hold a Fun Fair on Arnot Hill Park on Saturday 24th June between 12pm and 8:30pm

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment Communities and Leisure

Decision published: 24/05/2023

Effective from: 24/05/2023


That James Mellors Amusements Ltd and Proctors (Nottm) Fun Fairs Ltd Fun Fair be allowed to go ahead at Arnot Hill Park as outlined on the above date. Attendance, est. 5000 over the operating period.
This decision is dependent on compliance with Health and Safety Regulations, including food hygiene, correct insurance, risk assessment and safety certificate for the inflatables to be used and will require the issue of a user licence agreement indemnifying Gedling Borough Council in the event of accident for any activities held on the recreation ground and to ensure the land is reinstated should any damage occur whilst accessing and exiting the site.
The fee agreed is £300

Lead officer: Jane Richardson

19/05/2023 - Rasselbock Running event at Gedling Country Park ref: 1424    Recommendations Approved

To give permission for Rasselbock Running event at Gedling Country Park on Sunday 23rd June 2024. Access required from 8am until 5:30pm. Event registration for runners from 9:45am. Event running time 10:30am until 4:30pm.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment Communities and Leisure

Decision published: 19/05/2023

Effective from: 19/05/2023


That Rasselbock Running be allowed to go ahead with their running event as outlined on the above date. Attendance, est. 100-150
This decision is dependent on Rasselbock providing to the Council appropriate public liability insurance, risk assessment, payment to the Council a licence fee of £300 (payable one week prior to the event) and the issue of a lease indemnifying Gedling Borough Council in the event of accident for any activities held on the recreation ground and to ensure the land is reinstated should any damage occur whilst accessing and exiting the site.

Lead officer: Jane Richardson

15/05/2023 - Gedling Gala 2023 at Willow Park 1st July ref: 1423    Recommendations Approved

To give permission for Gedling Gala to hold a Summer gala on 1st July from 7:00am until 6:00pm (official opening 12:30pm) Use of site for setting up and taking down from 7:00am until 6:00pm.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment Communities and Leisure

Decision published: 15/05/2023

Effective from: 15/05/2023


That Gedling Village Family Gala be allowed to go ahead with their family fun event as outlined on the above date. Attendance, est. 2500.
This decision is dependent on correct insurance and a SAG approved management plan and will require the issue of a user licence indemnifying Gedling Borough Council in the event of accident for any activities held on the recreation ground and to ensure the land is reinstated should any damage occur whilst accessing and exiting the site.
Also a clause in the agreement that the organisers use appropriate ground protectors across the recently installed access from Willow Lane and the new footpath within the park. The entrance and footpath should not be driven across by heavy goods vehicles without the ground protectors in place.

Lead officer: Jane Richardson