Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday 15 September 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber. View directions

Contact: Alec Dubberley  Democratic Services Manager


No. Item


Thought for the day


The Mayor’s Chaplain, Reverend Mick Johnson, delivered a thought for the day.


Apologies for Absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bosworth, Boyle, Feeney, Hemingway and Murray.


Mayor's Announcements.


The Mayor informed Council of his attendance at a number of engagements, including the judging of a gardening competition at Netherfield and a prize giving event in Newstead, both of which were very enjoyable occasions and a credit to the locality co-ordinators who had organised the events.


The Mayor had also attended the opening of the refurbished plane at St John’s School in Colwick, a fun day in aid of McMillan Cancer support and memorial services in respect of those who had lost their lives to Covid-19, which were held at Gedling Crematorium and at Coppice Lodge Care Home.




To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2021 pdf icon PDF 126 KB




That the minutes of the above meeting, having been circulated, be approved as a correct record.



Declaration of Interests.





To deal with any petitions received under Standing Order 8a.


None received.


To answer questions asked by the public under Standing Order 8.


None received.


To answer questions asked by Members of the Council under Standing Order 9.


Question from Councillor Adams


“Can the Council please advise on its commitment to tree planting across the Borough, during the remainder of this Council?”


Response from Councillor Clarke, Leader of the Council


“This administration is committed to planting trees, and  the Gedling Plan sets out our ambition to plant 500 UK native trees across the Borough each year to mark the lead up to the 50th Anniversary of the creation of Gedling Borough.


In 2019/20 a total of 660 new trees were planted, and in 2020/21 a further 1,040 trees were planted.  These were in various sites including Arnot Hill Park, King George V, Burton Road Jubilee Park, Willow Park, Thackeray’s Lane, Arno Vale Recreation Ground, Carlton Hill Recreation Ground, and Gedling Country Park.


This year we have already created a Community Orchard at Gedling Country Park, and we have committed to:

-        a 2-3 year ‘Green Lung’ project that will see further proposed tree planting at Digby Park [4 acres] along a green corridor footpath route to Arnold Lane and beyond

-       planting a Memorial Woodland in Gedling Country Park. [6 acres]”


In response to a supplementary question about the lack of trees in the area between Front Street and Arnold Leisure Centre, Councillor Clarke advised that trees had been planted at Arnold Market and it was envisaged that there would be more around the new market once building works were completed. He added that if there were any suggestions for suitable sites these would be forwarded to officers. We have planted more trees near the Gedling Access Road as so many trees were removed for the construction. 


Question from Councillor Sam Smith


“Can the council please confirm its commitment to becoming carbon net zero?”


Response from Councillor Payne Deputy Leader


“In November 2019, Gedling Borough Council (GBC) declared a climate emergency, alongside which a pledge to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030 was made.


To mitigate carbon emissions and improve the borough’s resilience to a changing climate, a new Carbon Management Strategy and Action Plan has been created, which is being presented to Cabinet tomorrow for approval to go to public consultation.


This strategy outlines GBC’s commitment and ambition to show leadership in becoming carbon net zero.


To further support this we are currently recruiting a Climate Change Officer who will take up post shortly and help deliver the action plan.


We are under no assumption and realise that everyone is involved in this ambition, the Council, local businesses, the third sector and our residents, everyone has a part to play in this.”


In response to a supplementary question on whether the forthcoming carbon strategy covered council operations or the Borough as a whole, Councillor Payne replied that in November 2019 Gedling Borough Council declared a climate emergency alongside which pledged to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030 was also made.  The plan recognises that this is not just down to Council, it is about local businesses, the third sector, our residents, community groups such as the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35.


Changes to Representation on Committees and Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 226 KB

Report of the Democratic Services Manager


Consideration was given to a report of the Democratic Services Manager, seeking approval to change committee memberships and outside body representation as set out in the report.




To approve the following changes to representation on committees and outside bodies:


1)    Councillor Scroggie is replaced by Councillor Rachael Ellis on the Planning Committee;


2)    Councillor Truscott is replaced by Councillor Scroggie on the Environment and Licensing and Licensing Act Committees;


3)    Councillor Wilkinson is replaced by Councillor Rachael Ellis on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and


4)    Councillor Payne is replaced by Councillor Rachael Ellis as one of the Council’s appointed representatives to the Warren Hill Action Group.


To receive questions and comments from Members concerning any matter dealt with by the Executive or by a Committee or Sub-Committee (Standing Order 11.1). pdf icon PDF 147 KB

Additional documents:


In accordance with Standing Order 11.1, a number of comments were made and responded to by the appropriate Cabinet Member or Committee Chair.


To consider comments, of which due notice has been given, under Standing Order 11.03(a).


None received.


To consider motions under Standing Order 12.

Building with wildlife in mind


The Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust has brought an important paper forward in their homes for people and wildlife document. This document creates the environment for a more harmonised living world for both people, animals and plants. In line with this document I wish to table the following motion:


This council supports the adoption of a supplementary planning document in line with the “Homes for People and Wildlife” document as soon as is practicable. If approved, the supplementary planning document would be a material consideration in relation to the determination of planning applications. All future planning applicants would have this additional document made available to them with their application, and the points included from the applicant relevant to the supplementary planning document would need to be considered by the Council when determining the application.


This policy would fill a large void in the councils existing decision making process with regards to the impact of development on wildlife. It would help councillors, residents and applicants better understand the environmental credentials of new build developments and help them make their decisions in line with our challenges around habitat loss and bio diversity decline.


Some of the measures which could be considered for inclusion in the supplementary planning document and proposed in the Homes for People and Wildlife document include:


·         Permeable driveways to help reduce flood risk

·         Trees, hedgerows, water and other habitats integrated with development

·         Wildflower verges along roads and formal open spaces

·         Lighting designed to avoid disturbing wildlife

·         Sustainable urban drainage, swales and raingardens for wildlife and flood relief.

·         Bat roosts, bird boxes and other wildlife features designed into buildings

·         Renewable energy and water efficiency built in from the outset

·         Safe, attractive, connected pedestrian and cycle routes

·         Features and corridors to help invertebrates, reptiles, hedgehogs and other mammals

·         Wildlife-friendly green roofs and walls

·         Native, wildlife-friendly plants of local origin used in gardens and landscaping

·         Wildlife-permeable boundaries between gardens and open space

·         Allotments and community orchards for local food

·         Street trees for wildlife, shade and improved air quality

·         Interpretation panels to help people understand the needs of wildlife and the environment.


I would encourage all members to support this urgent motion to protect our bio diversity and enhance the quality of our buildings across the Borough.


Proposed: Councillor Adams

Seconded: Councillor Sam Smith


Motion One


Upon a notice of motion received in the name of Councillor Adams, a proposition was moved by Councillor Adams seconded by Councillor Sam Smith, in the following terms:


This Council notes:


The Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust has brought an important paper forward in their homes for people and wildlife document. This document creates the environment for a more harmonised living world for both people, animals and plants. In line with this document I wish to table the following motion:


This council supports the adoption of a supplementary planning document in line with the “Homes for People and Wildlife” document as soon as is practicable. If approved, the supplementary planning document would be a material consideration in relation to the determination of planning applications. All future planning applicants would have this additional document made available to them with their application, and the points included from the applicant relevant to the supplementary planning document would need to be considered by the Council when determining the application.


This policy would fill a large void in the councils existing decision making process with regards to the impact of development on wildlife. It would help councillors, residents and applicants better understand the environmental credentials of new build developments and help them make their decisions in line with our challenges around habitat loss and bio diversity decline.


Some of the measures which could be considered for inclusion in the supplementary planning document and proposed in the Homes for People and Wildlife document include:


·         Permeable driveways to help reduce flood risk

·         Trees, hedgerows, water and other habitats integrated with development

·         Wildflower verges along roads and formal open spaces

·         Lighting designed to avoid disturbing wildlife

·         Sustainable urban drainage, swales and raingardens for wildlife and flood relief.

·         Bat roosts, bird boxes and other wildlife features designed into buildings

·         Renewable energy and water efficiency built in from the outset

·         Safe, attractive, connected pedestrian and cycle routes

·         Features and corridors to help invertebrates, reptiles, hedgehogs and other mammals

·         Wildlife-friendly green roofs and walls

·         Native, wildlife-friendly plants of local origin used in gardens and landscaping

·         Wildlife-permeable boundaries between gardens and open space

·         Allotments and community orchards for local food

·         Street trees for wildlife, shade and improved air quality

·         Interpretation panels to help people understand the needs of wildlife and the environment.


I would encourage all members to support this urgent motion to protect our bio diversity and enhance the quality of our buildings across the Borough.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Payne and seconded by Councillor Hollingsworth in the following terms:


Building with wildlife in mind


ThiseCouncil welcomes The NottinghamshireWildlife Trust’shas brought an important paper vision putforward in their ‘Hhomes for Ppeople and Wwildlife’ document. This document seeks to creates the environment for a more harmonised living world for both people, animals and plants. In line with this document I wish to table the following motion:



This cCouncil supportscommits to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39.