Functions of Full Council
Only the Council will exercise the following functions:
(a) adopting and changing the Articles of the Constitution and Parts 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Constitution
(b) approving or adopting the policy framework and the budget;
(c) subject to the urgency procedure contained in the Access to Information Procedure Rules in Part 4 of this Constitution, making decisions about any matter in the discharge of an executive function which is covered by the policy framework or the budget where the decision maker is minded to make it in a manner which would be contrary to the policy framework or not in accordance with Standing Orders or Financial Regulations;
(d) appointing the Leader;
(e) agreeing and/or amending the terms of reference for committees, deciding on their composition and making appointments to them;
(f) appointing representatives to outside bodies unless the appointment has been delegated by the Council;
(g) adopting an allowances scheme under Article 2.05;
(h) changing the name of the area, conferring the title of honorary alderman or freedom of the borough;
(i) confirming the appointment of the Chief Executive;
(j) making, amending, revoking, re-enacting or adopting bylaws and promoting or opposing the making of local legislation or personal Bills;
(k) all other matters which, by law, must be reserved to Council.
Support officer: Democratic Services. Email:
Postal address:
Civic Centre
Arnot Hill Park
Phone: 0115 901 3844
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