Title: Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources and Performance
Party: Labour
Political grouping: Labour
Ward: Redhill
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Correspondence address:
Gedling Borough Council
Arnot Hill Park
Bus. phone: 0115 901 3954
Email: cllr.michael.payne@gedling.gov.uk
Mobile: 0781 471 6077
Download Councillor Michael Payne contact details as VCard
Michael Payne is Deputy Leader of the Council, he was first elected to represent St. Mary’s ward in May 2011 and now represents the Redhill ward, following his election in 2015.
He is Deputy Leader of the Council and is a Portfolio Holder, with specific responsibility for Resources and Reputation.
Michael currently sits as the Chair of the Local Government Information Unit.
Michael is a graduate of Law, was previously a Regional Organiser for the East Midlands in a national referendum campaign and has audited British Universities on quality and standards.
He is involved with many voluntary organisations, including Crimestoppers Nottinghamshire and is also a governor at Redhill Academy in Gedling Borough.