Issue - decisions

Approval of UKSPF Sports Facility Fund Grant Allocations 2024/25

01/10/2024 - Approval of UKSPF Sports Facility Fund Grant Allocations 2024/25

1.The Portfolio Holder for Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing approves the proposed financial allocations to local sport and physical activity projects from the UKSPF Sports Facilities Fund.
2.The portfolio Holder for Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing approves the establishment of community grant agreements with Mellish Rugby Club, Paviors Rugby Club and Calverton Miners Welfare Football Club.
It is proposed that the Portfolio Holder for Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing approves the allocations of the Sports Facilities Fund Grants (in relation to the capital budget) set out below:
1. Arnold Leisure Centre: Plant room improvements- Total project cost £27,556 - Proposed amount from UKSPF £26,119
2. Mellish Rugby Club: 2nd pitch floodlighting - Total project cost£34,683.35 - Proposed amount from UKSPF£31,500
3. Paviors Rugby Club: Borehole and portable floodlights - Total project cost£43,150 - Proposed amount from UKSPF £31,500
4. Calverton Miners Welfare Football Club: 3G pitch project - Total project cost£889,102.29 - Proposed amount from UKSPF £100,000
All projects have secured or are in the process of securing match funding to make up the shortfall.
It is proposed that the Portfolio Holder for Lifestyles Health and Wellbeing approves the establishment of community grant agreements with Mellish Rugby Club, Paviors Rugby Club and Calverton Miners Welfare Football Club.
Further information on each project is included in appendix 2