Decision details

Approval of UKSPF Sports Facility Fund Grant Allocations 2024/25

Reference: D1550

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To request approval on the proposed financial allocations to local sport and physical activity projects, from the UKSPF Sports Facilities Fund and the establishment of relevant community grant agreements.


1.The Portfolio Holder for Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing approves the proposed financial allocations to local sport and physical activity projects from the UKSPF Sports Facilities Fund.
2.The portfolio Holder for Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing approves the establishment of community grant agreements with Mellish Rugby Club, Paviors Rugby Club and Calverton Miners Welfare Football Club.
It is proposed that the Portfolio Holder for Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing approves the allocations of the Sports Facilities Fund Grants (in relation to the capital budget) set out below:
1. Arnold Leisure Centre: Plant room improvements- Total project cost £27,556 - Proposed amount from UKSPF £26,119
2. Mellish Rugby Club: 2nd pitch floodlighting - Total project cost£34,683.35 - Proposed amount from UKSPF£31,500
3. Paviors Rugby Club: Borehole and portable floodlights - Total project cost£43,150 - Proposed amount from UKSPF £31,500
4. Calverton Miners Welfare Football Club: 3G pitch project - Total project cost£889,102.29 - Proposed amount from UKSPF £100,000
All projects have secured or are in the process of securing match funding to make up the shortfall.
It is proposed that the Portfolio Holder for Lifestyles Health and Wellbeing approves the establishment of community grant agreements with Mellish Rugby Club, Paviors Rugby Club and Calverton Miners Welfare Football Club.
Further information on each project is included in appendix 2

Reasons for the decision:

The need for investment into Gedling’s Sport and Leisure facilities has been highlighted through the strategic recommendations from the recent Built Facilities Strategy and Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy. These strategic recommendations are also supported through local insight from community partners and external organisations.
The UKSPF Sports Facility Fund provides the opportunity to invest into Sport and Leisure Facilities across the Borough. £300,000 has been secured towards the investment of Sports Facilities through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. To date £100,881 has been allocated, to support priority sites operated by the Council, with the remaining £199,119 (£189,119 capital) to be allocated by March 2025.
In order to allocate the Sports Facility Fund in a transparent and equitable way a Scoring Matrix (see Appendix 1) with a criteria has been devised. This has been used to score the potential projects. The Scoring Matrix scores the individual projects against the following: 1. Strategic Outcomes Planning Model and Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy interventions met. 2. Feasibility of capital spend during 2024/25 3. Shared Prosperity Fund interventions met. 4. Affordability. 5. Gedling Plan 2023-27 priorities. The scoring matrix also includes the 2023-24 projects that have been delivered.
A review group has been set up to score and review the projects throughout the 2024/25 timeframe. The review group consists of the following: Leisure Business Strategy Manager, Health Development Officer and Principal Finance Business Partner.
High priority sites that have been listed in the Scoring Matrix have been identified through the Built Facilities Strategy Strategic recommendations and Playing Pitch Strategy Action Plan.
In order to explore these high priority projects further and to understand their deliverability, extensive engagement has taken place with external partners including, sports clubs and national governing body representatives. These conversations enabled a shortlist of deliverable projects to be identified and scored through the scoring matrix.
Progress on spending allocations and monitoring will be undertaken through the UKSPF Working Group. The Health Development Officer will act as lead officer for this programme. All progress will be reported to the UKSPF Partnership Group.

Alternative options considered:

To not approve the funding allocations towards the outlined projects.
These projects have been selected based on a need highlighted within Gedling Borough Council’s strategic documents, and the feasibility of those projects being delivered by March 2025. If these projects were therefore not approved there is a high risk that the UKSPF Sports Facilities Fund would not get spent within the timeframe. Without the funds the community clubs will struggle to increase or sustain their current offer which will restrict the number of members and participants taking part in sport and physical activity.

Publication date: 01/10/2024

Date of decision: 01/10/2024

Accompanying Documents: