To consider an application for a new Premises Licence in respect of “The Smokehouse Bar and Grill, 934 Woodborough Road, Mapperley, Nottingham, NG3 5QS”.
The Panel considered an application for a Premises Licence for the Smokehouse Bar and Grill, 934 Woodborough Road, Nottingham, NG3 5QS.
The Applicant and Resident Objector were not in attendance at the hearing but had, prior to the hearing (but not 24 hours prior to the hearing) come to an agreement in relation to the Premises Licence.
In making its decision, the Panel has had regard to the Gedling Borough Council Licensing Policy, the guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Human Rights Act 1998 and has carefully considered all the evidence presented to it, including the agreed conditions and amendments to the Licensing hours put forward by the Applicant and the Resident Objector.
The Panel
has made this decision to promote the 4 Licensing
(a) Prevention of crime and disorder;
(b) Public Safety;
(c) Prevention of Public Nuisance;
(d) Protection of Children from harm.
To grant the application for a Premises Licence the permitted hours for the licensable activities namely, live music, recorded music, and the supply of alcohol are:
Sunday – Thursday 10:00 – 00:00
Friday and Saturday 10:00 – 00:30
The permitted hours for the provision of late night refreshment are:
Sunday – Thursday 23:00 – 00:00
Friday and Saturday 23:00 – 00:30
The opening hours of the Premises are:
Sunday – Thursday 10:00 – 00:30
Friday and Saturday 10:00 – 01:00
In the case of all licensable activities, if applicable, there will be an additional hour to the standard and non-standard times on the day when British Summertime commences.
From the standard time on 31st December to the standard time on 1st January.
From 10:00 until 01:00 on Sundays preceding Bank Holiday.
From 10:00 to 01:00 on Christmas Eve.
In the event of the transmission of any International sporting event which falls outside the standard hours, timing to commence one hour before the start of the event and ending one hour after the end of the event.
The Premises will close 30 minutes after the non-standard finish timings for the provision of licensable activities.
The Licence is subject to the mandatory conditions and the following conditions:
1. The doors to the front of the premises shall be closed during amplified live music except for access and egress and in the event of an emergency.
2. Food shall not be served after 22:30 hours
3. The terrace area to the front of the premises shall not be used by customers after 22:00 hours on Sunday to Thursdays and 22:30 hours on Fridays and Saturdays.
The reasons for the decision are as follows
The Panel considered the objections from the residents which although withdrawn were not formally withdrawn in time for the hearing to be cancelled and they were satisfied that there were relevant objections in relation to the Licensing objectives, namely;
· Prevention of crime and disorder;
· Public Safety;
· Prevention of Public Nuisance;
The Panel considered the compromise that the Applicant and the Resident Objector had reached in respect of opening hours and licensable activity hours and felt that by imposing the conditions and hours, as set out above, this would prevent any nuisance caused by noise of customers using the Premises late at night and any anti-social behaviour resulting from the licensable activities at the Premises.
The Panel felt that the conditions and the Licensable activity hours put forward by the Applicant and the Resident Objector would promote the Licensing objectives.
Supporting documents: