Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.


Information about Cabinet

Composition of Cabinet


Leader of the Council


Councillor John Clarke

·       Overall strategy and delivery of agreed Council priorities and objectives.

·       Oversight of all Cabinet responsibilities.

·       Building and developing relationships with partners at a local, regional, national and international level to pursue matters of interest to the Council and the community.

·       Representing the interests of the Council and the wider community on the Local Enterprise Partnership, East Midlands Councils, and other key strategic local, regional and national bodies.

·       Oversight of the Council’s Partnership and Collaboration Agreements with key partners.

·       Building and maintaining positive relationships with and between elected Members and employees.

·       Promoting and encouraging effective corporate governance and the highest standards of probity.

·       Emergency planning.

·       Responding to the ‘Cost of Living’ crisis.



Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder – Corporate Resources and Performance


Councillor Michael Payne

·       Deputising for the Leader in all matters.

·       Budget strategy, financial management and local taxation.

·       Asset management, including the Council’s investment property, sales and purchase of land.

·       Information and Communications Technology, including digitalisation.

·       Human resources, staff development and welfare.

·       Customer experience and insight.

·       Democratic services, governance.

·       Member training and development.

·       Communications and Social Media relations.

·       Commercialisation, marketing and promotion

·       Transformation of Council services.



Portfolio Holder – Environmental Services (Operations)


Councillor Marje Paling

·       Maintenance of cemeteries and allotments.

·       Waste management and recycling.

·       Street cleansing.


Portfolio Holder – Public Protection


Councillor David Ellis

·       Community protection, crime reduction and safeguarding.

·       Modern slavery and hate crime.

·       Food hygiene.

·       Health and safety regulation.

·       Private sector housing and selective licensing.

·       Environmental prosecutions and enforcement.



Portfolio Holder – Climate Change and Natural Habitat


Councillor Viv McCrossen

·       Carbon management and climate change.

·       Carbon sequestration (offsetting) through blue/green infrastructure.

·       Maintenance and development of parks and open spaces.

·       Provision of play parks, pitches and other play facilities.

·       Tree planting, woodland, and wildflower meadow areas.

·       Air and water quality.

·       Flood mitigation.


Portfolio Holder - Sustainable Growth and Economy


Councillor Jenny Hollingsworth

·       Planning policy, development management, building control and land charges.

·       Strategic development framework, including transport and community infrastructure, walkways and cycle-paths.

·       Strategic housing and addressing empty homes.

·       Business growth, economic development, and inward investment.

·       Workforce development, employment and skills opportunities.

·       Town and local centre economy.



Portfolio Holder – Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing


Councillor Henry Wheeler

·       Leisure Centres.

·       Sports Development and physical activity.

·       Arts and culture, including Bonington theatre/cinema.

·       Health promotion and development.

·       Social prescribing partnerships.

·       Loneliness and isolation.

·       Mental health, including dementia support.



Portfolio Holder – Communities and Place


Councillor Lynda Pearson

·       Heritage.

·       Community events.

·       Engagement with the voluntary sector.

·       Parish Council liaison.

·       Senior’s Council and other engagement forums.

·       Rural affairs.



Portfolio Holder - Life Chances and Vulnerability


Councillor Kathryn Fox

·       Housing benefits and homelessness.

·       Equalities, diversity and inclusion.

·       Refugees and resettlement.

·       Member champion for women and the disabled.

·       Domestic violence.

·       Social mobility, including linkages to its markers of health, education, housing, income, race and gender.

·       Engagement and consultation with young people, including play, events and addressing child poverty.

·       Youth Council and Youth Mayor.

·       Youth unemployment and apprenticeships, including working with schools.




All Portfolio holders have the authority to:


1.    Make all executive decisions, within their area of responsibility, on matters which are not reserved to Cabinet and within the limitations of the Financial Regulations.


2.    Monitor service performance, within their area of responsibility and take action to improve performance where necessary, in conjunction with the relevant Director.


3.    Respond to consultation documents received by the Council within their area of responsibility.


4.    Approve policies and procedures within their area of responsibility.


5.    Authorise the commencement of any proceedings in connection with any offences within their area of responsibility.


6.    Determine fees and charges within their area of responsibility.


7.    Make recommendations to the Cabinet, within their area of responsibility, on matters reserved to Cabinet.


When taking decisions, professional advice from officers, including the statutory officers, should be taken into account.




The Cabinet will be supported by the following Policy Advisors:


Policy Advisor for Vulnerable Communities – Councillor Sandra Barnes – supporting the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Place and the Portfolio Holder for Life Chances and Vulnerability.


Policy Advisor for Environmental Services (Operations) – Vacant.



Policy Advisors will not hold delegated responsibility but will support their respective Cabinet member on development and progression of specific Gedling Plan actions as appropriate. The precise focus for the work of each Policy Advisor will be agreed by the Leader, Deputy Leader and relevant Cabinet member in discussion with the Policy Advisor.