Venue: Council Chamber. View directions
Contact: Cayte Goodall Democratic Services Officer
Note: No live stream available due to technical issues
No. | Item | |
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Barnfather and Rachael Ellis. Councillor Creamer attended as substitute. |
To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 31 March 2021. PDF 216 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the above meeting, having been circulated, be approved as a correct record. |
Declaration of Interests Minutes: The Chair declared a collective non-pecuniary interest on behalf of all members of the committee in item 10 on the agenda, as Gedling Borough Council was in ownership of the site and had made the application.
Councillor Wheeler declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 7 on the agenda as a resident of Bentwell Avenue who had experienced flooding issues.
Councillor Adams declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 7 on the agenda as a Member of Nottinghamshire County Council who were the land owners.
Application No. 2019/0613 - Land Off Teal Close, Netherfield, Nottinghamshire PDF 534 KB Minutes: Approval of reserved matters in relation to access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the Local Centre comprising of Public House, Commercial/Retail Terrace and Children’s Day Nursery pursuant to outline planning permission 2017/0999.
The Principal Planning Officer outlined the report. He informed Members that following discussions with the applicant’s agent and in order to aid delivery and build out of the development, a phasing plan had been provided which would allow each element of the scheme to be constructed separately. With phase 1 being the public house and access road, phase 2 the retail terrace and the final phase being the nursery. This required an update to the conditions in the report with the phasing plan added to the approved plans at Condition 1 and Conditions 2, 3 and 4 amended to include reference to each phase.
To Grant Planning permission subject to Conditions.
1 This permission shall be read in accordance with the following plans:
Location Plan – Dwg No 18-036 SGP CC ZZ DR A 0904 Site Layout Plan Dwg No 18-036 SGP CC ZZ DR A 0905 Pub Elevations Dwg No 18-036 SGP C1 ZZ DR A 0975 Pub Floor-Roof Plans Dwg No 18-036 SGP C1 ZZ DR A 0935 Nursery Elevations Dwg No. 18-036 SGP C3 ZZ DR A 0977 Nursery Floor-Roof Plans Dwg No.18-036 SGP C3 ZZ DR A 0937 Retail Elevations Dwg No. 18-036 C2 ZZ DR A 0936 Retail Floor-Roof Plans Dwg No. 18-036 SGP C2 ZZ DR A 0936 Landscape Details Dwg No. P18-1022_01C Phasing Plan Dwg No. 18-036 SGP CC ZZ DR A 0300
The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these plans.
2 The landscaping as detailed on Dwg No. P18-1022_01C shall be carried out in the first planting season following the first occupation of that phase of the development. If within a period of five years beginning with the date of the planting within that phase of any tree, hedge, shrub or seeded area, that tree, shrub, hedge or seeded area, that is planted in replacement of it, is removed, uprooted or destroyed or dies, or becomes in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority seriously damaged or defective, another tree, shrub or seeded area of the same species and size as that originally planted shall be planted at the same place within that phase, unless otherwise prior agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
3 No part of the development hereby permitted within a phase of development as shown on the phasing plan shall be brought into use until the parking, turning and servicing areas for that phase are provided in accordance with the approved plans. The parking, turning and servicing areas within that phase shall not be used for any purpose other than parking, turning, loading and unloading of vehicles, and shall thereafter be retained for the life of the development.
4 The cycle stores as shown on 18-036 SGP CC ZZ DR A 0905 within a phase shall be constructed and ... view the full minutes text for item 128. |
Application No. 2020/1292 - Land Off Teal Close, Netherfield, Nottinghamshire PDF 583 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Erection of a retail store (Class E) with associated car parking, landscaping and other infrastructure.
The Principal Planning Officer outlined the report. He informed Members that in relation to the local labour agreement, specifically at condition 18, the end user had indicated that they had a strict tendering process for the construction phase and as such could not give preference to local construction firms. It was therefore considered appropriate to reword condition 18 to relate to the operation of the food store as these jobs would be of a more permanent basis and accordingly the condition was reworded to include the operational phase.
To Grant Planning permission subject to Conditions.
1 The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.
2 This permission shall be read in accordance with the following plans:
Location Plan Dwg No. 18036 SGP C4 XX DR A 131001 Rev B Site Plan Dwg No. 18036 SGP C4 XX DR A 131000 Rev C Drainage Plan Dwg No. TEAL-BSP-ZZ-XX-DR-C-219 P07 Floor Plan Dwg No. 18036 SGP C4 XX DR A 131100 Elevation Plan Dwg No. 18036 SGP C4 XX DR A 131102 Rev A Roof Plan Dwg No. 18036 SGP C4 RL DR A 131101 Landscaping Plan Dwg No. 18036 SGP C4 XX DR A 131003 Rev B Hard Landscaping Plan 18036 SGP C4 XX DR A 131002 Rev C
The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these plans.
3 The total amount of net retail sales floorspace in the foodstore hereby approved shall be limited to a maximum of 1,315 square metres, of which no more than 20% should be devoted to the sale or display of comparison goods.
4 The development hereby approved shall be undertaken in accordance with the submitted surface water drainage scheme based on the principles set forward by the approved Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and Drainage Strategy.
5 ‘The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the recommendations and findings of the Remediation Strategy produced by BSP Consulted reference 18-0062 dated January 2020, in so far as they relate to the application site’
6 Prior to occupation of any building(s) a Verification Report (that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out) must be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying
out the approved development that was not previously identified it
must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning
Authority and once the Local Planning Authority has identified the
part of the site affected by the unexpected contamination
development must be halted on that part of the site.
7 Prior to the occupation of the building hereby permitted, the four ... view the full minutes text for item 129. |
Minutes: Hybrid application seeking permission for a balancing Lagoon (Full Application) and Outline permission for the Local shops, access and associated parking.
The Head of Development and place introduced the report. He informed Members of a typo in the header of the report as the applicant was Keepmoat Homes and the agent was Armstrong Burton Architects and not AC Holdings and Pegasus.
To Grant Full Planning Permission: Subject to the owner entering into a deed of variation amending the original Section 106 Agreement to planning approval: 2015/1376 with the Borough Council as Local Planning Authority and with the County Council as Local Highway and Education Authority for the provision of, or financial contributions towards affordable housing, open space, healthcare facilities, highways, educational, air quality, a local labour agreement and library facilities; and subject tothe conditions listed for the reasons set out in the report.
1. Development of the balancing lagoon shall commence no later than 3 years from the date of this permission and shall proceed in accordance with the details as approved under condition 2 and in accordance with details as may be approved under conditions 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10.
2. This permission shall be read in accordance with the application form and following list of approved drawings:
17057E - P100 rev - - Location plan 17057E - P101 rev A – Existing site masterplan 17057E - P103 rev B - Proposed site plan 17057E - P105 rev A - Site Sections Deign and Access Statement (Updated received on 30 March)
The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these plans/details.
3. Prior to above ground works commencing on the balancing lagoon, details of both hard and soft landscape works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details as approved shall be completed no later than the first planting season once the earthworks for the lagoon have been substantially complete. These details shall include a schedule (including planting plans and written specifications, including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment) of trees, shrubs and other plants, noting species, plant sizes, proposed numbers and densities. The scheme shall be designed so as to enhance the nature conservation value of the site, including the use of locally native plant species. Details of any hard surfacing materials would also need to be identified.
4. Application(s) for approval of all reserved matters for the local centre shall be made to the Local Planning Authority no later than 3 years from the date of this permission, and the development thereby authorised for the Local Centre shall be begun no later than 2 years from the date of this permission or 2 years from the date of the approval of the final reserved matter, whichever is the later.
5. Prior to the commencement of development the following shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:
Site Characterisation
An assessment of the nature and extent ... view the full minutes text for item 130. |
Application No. 2020/1054 - Land At Rolleston Drive, Arnold PDF 1 MB Minutes:
Application No. 2020/0050 - 41 Clovelly Drive, Mapperley, NG3 5NJ PDF 709 KB Minutes: Footpath diversion.
Nicola Chynoweth, a local resident, spoke in support of the application.
The Head of Development and Place introduced the report.
That Members authorise the Head of Governance and Customer Services to make an order to divert Arnold Footpath No. 1 as set out in the submitted plans and, if planning application 2021/0255 is granted and the Order is unopposed following the requisite 28 day consultation period and that the Order be confirmed thereafter. |
Application No. 2021/0038 - 30 Lodge Farm Lane, Redhill PDF 600 KB Minutes: Single storey rear extension, single storey side extension, front canopy, new windows and stone cladding on the front elevation.
To Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions:
1 The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.
2 This permission shall be read in accordance with the application form and deposited plans, drawing no's LODG-02 rev A, LODG-08 rev A, LODG-06 rev A and LODG-09 rev A, received on 1st April 2021. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these plans/details.
3 The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until precise details of the boundary treatment on the northern boundary have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The boundary treatment shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and shall be retained for the lifetime of the development.
1 In order to comply with Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2 For the avoidance of doubt.
3 To ensure a satisfactory development in accordance with the aims of Policy 10 of the Aligned Core Strategy.
Reasons for Decision
It is considered, given the single storey nature, design, location and relationship with adjoining properties, the proposed development would be visually acceptable in the street scene and in keeping with the character of the host dwelling and the wider area and would result in no significant undue impact on neighbouring residential amenity or the locality in general. The development therefore complies with the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy 10 of the Gedling Borough Aligned Core Strategy (2014), and policies LPD 32 and LPD 43 of the Local Planning Document.
Notes to Applicant
Positive and Proactive Statement - The Borough Council has worked positively and proactively with the applicant in accordance with paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework. During the processing of the application there were no problems for which the Local Planning Authority had to seek a solution in relation to this application.
The applicant is advised that all planning permissions granted on or after 16th October 2015 may be subject to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Full details of CIL are available on the Council's website at The proposed development has been assessed and it is the Council's view that CIL is not payable on the development hereby approved as the gross internal area of new build is less 100 square metres
The proposed development lies within a coal mining area which may contain unrecorded coal mining related hazards. If any coal mining feature is encountered during development, this should be reported immediately to The Coal Authority on 0845 762 6848. Further information is also available on The Coal Authority website at specific summary information on past, current and future coal mining activity can be obtained from The Coal Authority's Property Search Service on 0845 762 6848 or at
Application No. 2021/0151 - Arnot Hill House, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold PDF 431 KB Minutes: Fire alarm upgrade.
GRANT Listed Building Consent subject to conditions:
1 The works authorised by this consent shall be carried out within 3 years from the date of this consent.
2 This consent shall be read in accordance with the application form, Installation Instructions, Installation Method Statement and deposited plans, drawing no's/titles G20/AHH/FA02 and 'Gas Meter Cupboard Location', received on 12th February 2021, and drawing no. G20/AHH/FA004A received on 18th February 2021. The works shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these details.
3 Precise details of the replacement door to room 13 shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before the replacement door is installed. The door shall be installed in accordance with the approved details and shall be retained thereafter.
1 In order to ensure that the works are commenced in a timely manner, as set out in Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as amended).
2 For the avoidance of doubt.
3 In order to preserve the special architectural and historic interest of the listed building.
Reasons for Decision
In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposed works involved in upgrade of the fire alarm system are acceptable and the minor harm caused by the proposed works would be outweighed by the public benefits of installing an up to date fire alarm system to protect the grade II Listed building and ensuring its continued use. The proposal would comply with the NPPF Section 16 and policies LPD 26 and LPD 27 of the Local Planning Document.
Notes to Applicant
Positive and Proactive Statement - The Borough Council has worked positively and proactively with the applicant in accordance with paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework. During the processing of the application there were no problems for which the Local Planning Authority had to seek a solution in relation to this application.
Tree Preservation Order 000139 - St Marks Church, School Walk, Bestwood, Nottinghamshire PDF 53 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Protection of 2 no. Sycamore trees by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)
To Confirm Tree Preservation Order - 000139 ‘St Marks Church Cemetery, Bestwood’ without modification.
Tree Preservation Order 000140 - 383 Mapperley Plains, Arnold, Nottinghamshire, NG3 5RU PDF 50 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Protection of 2 no. Oak trees by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)
To Confirm Tree Preservation Order - 000140 ‘383 Mapperley Plains, Arnold’ without modification.
Future Planning Applications PDF 32 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
To note the information. |
Planning Delegation Panel Action Sheets PDF 113 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED:
To note the information. |
Any other items which the Chair considers urgent. Minutes: None. |