Agenda item

Application No. 2019/0613 - Land Off Teal Close, Netherfield, Nottinghamshire


Approval of reserved matters in relation to access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the Local Centre comprising of Public House, Commercial/Retail Terrace and Children’s Day Nursery pursuant to outline planning permission 2017/0999.


The Principal Planning Officer outlined the report.  He informed Members that following discussions with the applicant’s agent and in order to aid delivery and build out of the development, a phasing plan had been provided which would allow each element of the scheme to be constructed separately. With phase 1 being the public house and access road, phase 2 the retail terrace and the final phase being the nursery.  This required an update to the conditions in the report with the phasing plan added to the approved plans at Condition 1 and Conditions 2, 3 and 4 amended to include reference to each phase.




To Grant Planning permission subject to Conditions.




1    This permission shall be read in accordance with the following plans:


      Location Plan – Dwg No 18-036 SGP CC ZZ DR A 0904

      Site Layout Plan Dwg No 18-036 SGP CC ZZ DR A 0905

      Pub Elevations Dwg No 18-036 SGP C1 ZZ DR A 0975

      Pub Floor-Roof Plans Dwg No 18-036 SGP C1 ZZ DR A 0935

      Nursery Elevations Dwg No. 18-036 SGP C3 ZZ DR A 0977

      Nursery Floor-Roof Plans Dwg No.18-036 SGP C3 ZZ DR A 0937

      Retail Elevations Dwg No. 18-036 C2 ZZ DR A 0936

      Retail Floor-Roof Plans Dwg No. 18-036 SGP C2 ZZ DR A 0936   

      Landscape Details Dwg No. P18-1022_01C

      Phasing Plan Dwg No. 18-036 SGP CC ZZ DR A 0300


The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these plans.



2      The landscaping as detailed on Dwg No. P18-1022_01C shall be carried out in the first planting season following the first occupation of         that phase of the development.  If within a period of five years beginning with the date of the planting within that phase of any tree, hedge, shrub or seeded area, that tree, shrub, hedge or seeded area, that is planted in replacement of it, is removed, uprooted or destroyed or dies, or becomes in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority seriously damaged or defective, another tree, shrub or seeded area of the same species and size as that originally planted shall be planted at the same place within that phase, unless otherwise prior agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


3      No part of the development hereby permitted within a phase of development as shown on the phasing plan shall be brought into use until the parking, turning and servicing areas for that phase are provided in accordance with the approved plans. The parking, turning and servicing areas within that phase shall not be used for any purpose other than parking, turning, loading and unloading of vehicles, and shall thereafter be retained for the life of the development.


4      The cycle stores as shown on 18-036 SGP CC ZZ DR A 0905 within a phase shall be constructed and available for use on that phase prior to the units that they serve are brought into use. The cycle stores shall be retained for the life of the development.




1              For the avoidance of doubt and to define the permission.


2              To ensure a satisfactory form of development and appropriate landscaping of the site.


3              In the interests of highway safety and to ensure a satisfactory form of development.


4              To encourage sustainable travel.



Note to applicant:


The Borough Council has worked positively and proactively with the applicant in accordance with paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019). Negotiations have taken place during the determination of the application to address adverse impacts identified by officers. Amendments have subsequently been made to the proposal, addressing the identified adverse impacts, thereby resulting in a more acceptable scheme and a favourable recommendation.




Councillor Keneally joined the meeting.

Supporting documents: