Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Monday 5 August 2013 5.30 pm

Venue: Elizabeth Room - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Jane Ansell  Members' Services

No. Item


Apologies for Absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Andrews, Bailey and Blair.


To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 10 June 2013. pdf icon PDF 27 KB




That the minutes of the above meeting, having been circulated, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair, subject to the following amendments:


Minute 4: ‘Head of Strategy and Performance’ to be replaced with ‘Corporate Director’.


Minute 5: Stephen Bray, Corporate Director, to be included in the named invitees.


Declaration of Interests.




Scrutiny Work Programme 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Report of the Councillor Mike Hope.

Additional documents:


The Chair informed Members of the end position of the 2012/13 Scrutiny work programme and invited Working Group chairs to present the final reports and recommendations of the following completed reviews:


  • Hackney Carriages
  • Inclusion and Equality
  • The Council’s engagement with the Voluntary Sector
  • Covert Surveillance




i)             To approve the reports and recommendations of the above working groups and refer them on to Cabinet for consideration.


ii)            To note that the one outstanding working group, Localism, Planning and Housing, will hold its’ final meeting in September and report to the October Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



Scrutiny Work Program 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Report of Councillor Mike Hope.

Additional documents:


The Chair directed Members’ attention to the Portfolio Holder information at appendix 1 of the report, and asked that they consider which specific areas within portfolios they would like to hold Portfolio Holders to account on, with a view to establishing a rolling programme of attendance by the relevant Portfolio Holder and Corporate Director.


The Chair then requested that Members consider and agree subjects for the three in depth reviews, and the order in which they would be conducted.




To examine the following areas of performance within individual Portfolios:


Committee date: 7th October 2013 – attendance confirmed in diaries


Services for review: Procurement strategy and co-location with partners

Portfolio Holder: Councillor John Clarke: Leader of the Council

Corporate Director: Mark Kimberley



Committee date: 9th December 2013 – attendance confirmed in diaries


Services for review: Waste strategy, energy management, sustainability

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Peter Barnes: Environment

Corporate Directors: Dave Wakelin and Stephen Bray


Remainder of the programme (order and dates to be confirmed)


Service for review: Public Health

Councillor Hollingsworth: Health and Housing

Corporate Director: Dave Wakelin


Services for review: the planning process and the town centres strategy

Councillor Pulk: Leisure and Development

Corporate Director: Paula Darlington


Service for review: Neighbourhood working

Councillor Fox: Community Development

Corporate Director: Paula Darlington


To nominate the following in-depth reviews in order of priority; and to ask officers to liaise with business managers and group leaders to request nominations from political groups.


The impact of Homelessness and Hardship in the Borough - Councillor Lawrence nominated


Reducing Unemployment in the Borough


Transport links to and from the Borough


Scrutiny arrangements: Amendments to the Constitution considered by Council on 10 July 2013 pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Report of the Election’s and Members’ Services Team Leader.


Members considered a report which detailed proposals for dealing with items referred to Scrutiny as a requirement of the Council’s constitution, which included:


·         Referrals of policies that form part of the Budget and Policy Framework.


It was proposed that the Chairman be notified at the point the Policy or Strategy is included in the Forward Plan and, when the document is ready for consultation, circulated to all members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or tabled at an Overview Scrutiny Committee meeting, if a meeting is immediately pending. If a meeting is not pending, it was agreed that a meeting could be called to specifically discuss the proposals.


Comments would be collated by the Elections and Members’ Services Team and, after discussion with the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, submitted to the relevant officer before the end of the consultation period. The officer would then either append the Scrutiny responses to the Cabinet report, or include a paragraph within the report which details the Scrutiny responses. Cabinet will take into account any responses received from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee before making a decision.


Members were informed that there are also requirements in the new Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 which require notice to be given to the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee if the executive proposes to take a key decision without it being published (on the Forward Plan) for at least 28 days.


·         Referrals under Contract Standing Orders, including:


-       proposals to enter into a contract between £10, 000 and £50, 000 where the  requirement to obtain 3 quotes cannot be met.

-       proposals for the disposal of land or property other than the sale of council houses to sitting tenants pursuant to the right to buy.


It was agreed that a standing agenda item be added to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Agenda to inform the Committee of such notifications received by the Chair.




To note the procedures for dealing with items referred to Overview and Scrutiny Committee as a requirement of the Council’s constitution.



Any other item which the Chair considers urgent.

