Venue: Elizabeth Room - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Allan, Dunkin, and Welsh. Councillor Towsey-Hinton attended as substitute. |
To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2023. PDF 131 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the above meeting, having been circulated, be approved as a correct record.
Declaration of Interests. Minutes: None. |
Programme of Portfolio Holder Attendance. PDF 148 KB Report of the Democratic Services Manager. Additional documents: Minutes: Members welcomed Councillor Marje Paling, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services (Operations) to the meeting to examine her portfolio. Councillor Paling gave an update to members on some key happenings within her portfolio.
No questions were received from Members in advance of the meeting, so Councillor Paling delivered an update on the various areas of responsibility within her portfolio. She gave the following updates:
Cabinet had adopted The Waste & Recycling Policy in June 2022 which set out to formalise the approach and to address areas of under-performance in relation to recycling rates and levels of recycling contamination. The Waste and Fleet Manager had been working with the refuse teams to give them fresh focus in targeting households that contaminate their recycling bins.
A winter educational pilot campaign had taken place to increase levels of recycling and reduce contamination and residual waste using bin contamination tags with QR codes printed on them. This was implemented in areas with high levels of bin contamination such as Mapperley, Lambley and Burton Joyce areas. It was noted that the labels were recyclable and sustainable, and incorporate a ‘Don’t Waste Your Recycling’ campaign message.
Members noted that the Waste Projects Officer and Waste Manager have been working to deliver a new in-cab round scheduling and reporting software system called Abavus. As part of the process, the refuse rounds data has been sense checked which includes adding data onto the new system for Garden Waste, Bulky Waste and Trade Waste Rounds. Historically, this data was on paper-based systems which were not effective. The new software links in real time with customer services and offers residents the ability to report missed collections through a ‘My Gedling App’ which also provides residents with up-to-date information on bin collection issues where they live.
Members noted that Gedling Borough Council (GBC) manages three allotments sites in Arnold. Waiting lists for these sites continue to be high. It was highlighted that on average there was a two year waiting list which was kept up to date by writing annually to those still waiting.
Councillor Paling noted that cemetery inspections and maintenance were still carried out by GBC’s Parks and Street Care (PASC) Supervisors and grounds maintenance operatives. It was noted that Burials are undertaken by a trained grave-digging team, ensuring that all health and safety rules and regulations continue to be adhered to. Measures to combat anti-social behaviour in GBC cemeteries involve regular patrols by Wardens and PCSO’s when funerals are not taking place. It was noted that cemetery satisfaction levels remain high and customer satisfaction surveys showed an 87% satisfaction rate for 2023/24.
The Chair gave members the opportunity to ask questions.
Members queried the response time for reported missed bins via the QR tagging and Abavus systems.
Councillor Paling informed members that bins would be collected within 3 working days after the resident confirms that the contamination is removed. The bin collection crews also return the same day when an entire street is blocked.
Members queried whether streets were swept ... view the full minutes text for item 30. |
Report of the Planning Policy Manager. Additional documents: Minutes: The Planning Policy Manager introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, informing members of the progress made in preparing the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan and to set out proposals for the methods for public consultation locally within Gedling Borough on the Publication Draft version of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan.
A presentation was delivered, informing members on some key areas of work on the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan, giving the following updates:
It was noted that the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan was expected to replace the current Aligned Core Strategy adopted in 2014. The Local Planning document adopted in 2018 was also expected to be reviewed going forward. Members noted that there had been two rounds of consultation on the strategic plan. The first was in Spring 2021 detailing the growth options available, receiving over 5000 comments. The other consultation was carried out in two stages. The first stage was the preferred approach to housing and employment, held between Jan - Feb 2023 and the second stage was the preferred approach to strategic logistics and distribution from September – November 2023. This consultation received responses from 250 stakeholders and over 800 comments were received.
Comments received on the strategy highlighted a need to increase the plan period, reduce dependence on brownfield and strategic sites to include a broader range of locations, types, and sizes and to widen the distribution of development to include key settlements and other villages.
It was highlighted that the housing target set by government using the standard method was 8,334 and the current supply was 6,502. The shortfall was planned to be met in part by a proposed strategic site extension of Top Wighay Farm and through non-strategic allocations in Part 2 of the Local Plan. This might include key settlements for growth of Bestwood Village, Calverton and Ravenshead.
It was noted that 134 representations from 53 consultees were made regarding strategic distribution sites. Many of the representations were expressing the need for strategic distribution, which the council’s evidence supports. The rest were regarding the land for strategic distribution and developers promoting alternate sites.
It was noted that key elements of ongoing work include strategic transport modelling, report of responses, housing needs assessment refresh, infrastructure delivery plan, centres study, plan-wide viability, habitat regulations assessments, and a carbon reduction study.
The Chair then gave members the opportunity to ask questions.
Members queried whether the transport modelling included improvement to road networks in areas identified for potential expansion.
The Planning Policy Manager informed members that SYSTRA had been commissioned to undertake the transport handling who will look at the growth across the greater Nottinghamshire area to provide sufficient mitigation. It was noted that growth data had been provided for the strategic sites, but the details of the smaller local plan sites had yet to be determined however this data was expected to inform the mitigation required within the transport assessment.
Members queried the depth of conversation with other authorities/partners to ensure assets such ... view the full minutes text for item 31. |
Equality and Diversity Policy, Framework and Action Plan. PDF 168 KB Report of the Interim Corporate Director. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Interim Corporate Director, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, updating members on the progress made across the Council on the Equality and Diversity Framework and action plan for 2021-2024 as well as other work undertaken in relation to improving equality and diversity in the provision of Council services since the adoption of the Equality and Diversity Policy in 2021. The report also sought to establish a working group to consider the proposed amendments to the Equality and Diversity Policy 2024-27 and new approach to the framework and action plan as part of a wider public consultation.
1) Note the work undertaken on the Equality and Diversity Framework and Action Plan and the wider work undertaken by officers and members to strengthen the Council’s approach to equality and diversity in the performance of its functions from 2021-2024; and
2) Establish a working group to consider the proposed changes to the Council’s Equality and Diversity Policy for 2024-27. |
Corporate Risk Management Scorecard Quarter 2 2022/23. PDF 619 KB Report of the Interim Corporate Director. Minutes: Consideration as given to a report of the Interim Corporate Director, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, updating members on the current level of assurance that could be provided against each corporate risk.
To note the progress of actions identified within the Corporate Risk Register. |
Gedling Plan - Q2 Performance. PDF 1 MB Report of the Senior Leadership Team. Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Senior Leadership Team, which was circulated in advance of the meeting, informing Members in summary of the position against Improvement Actions and Performance Indicators in the 2023-27 Gedling Plan at the end of Quarter 2.
To note the report. |
Scrutiny work programme PDF 129 KB Report of the Democratic Services Manager. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Democratic Services Manager, which had been circulated in advance on the meeting, updating Members on the scrutiny work programme.
Members expressed an interest in hearing from officers on the lessons learned following the recent flooding. It was noted that this was a recent working group, for which an update would be presented to the committee soon.
Note the report. |
Any other item which the Chair considers urgent. Minutes: None. |