Agenda and draft minutes

Council - Wednesday 13 November 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Thought for the day


The Mayors Chaplain attended the meeting and delivered a thought for the day to members. The thought surrounded the themes of polite behavour and included a happy birthday wish to King Charles III.


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Allan, Brown, Roxanne Ellis, Payne, Towsey-Hinton and Welsh. Councillor Ellwood arrived to the meeting at 18:46.


Mayor's announcements


The Mayor started the announcements by congratulating Councillor Hollingsworth on her appointment as Deputy Leader of the Council. He then gave updates on his latest engagements which was centred around the remembrance period. The Mayor gave thanks to the community of Gedling who showed up in large numbers to support events across the borough. He also noted he had attended the Arnold Wrestling club and was very impressed by the commitment of the staff and children attending.


Finally, the mayor noted he had allowed a request for Councillor Wilkinson to address the meeting. Councillor Wilkinson addressed the meeting and apologised to Councillor Whiting for a comment made at a previous meeting. Councillor Whiting accepted the apology.





To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2024 pdf icon PDF 21 KB




That the minutes of the above meeting, having been circulated, be approved as a correct record.



Declaration of interests




To deal with any petitions received under procedural rule 7.8




To answer questions asked by the public under procedural rule 7.7




To answer questions asked by Members of the Council under procedural rule 7.9

Question from Cllr Stuart Bestwick to the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth and Economy:

“Gedling Borough Council was provided with £2,866,555 of Shared Prosperity Funding from the previous Conservative Government. These funds were to boost productivity, pay, jobs and living standards by growing the private sector; spread opportunities, improve public services and restore a sense of community, local pride and belonging as well as empowering local leaders and communities.


Can the Cabinet Member update Council on the mechanism for agreeing where the funds should be spent, where it has been spent so far and on what projects?”


Question from Cllr Mike Adams to the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources and Performance:

“News reports suggest Gedling Borough Council donated taxpayers’ money towards the casting of a statue which will be displayed in Nottingham City.


How much of Gedling Borough taxpayers’ money was donated and what consultation was carried out with Borough residents for the approval of using their money on a project outside of the Borough?”


Question from Cllr Robinson-Payne to the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth and Economy

“Will the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth and Economy join me in congratulating the team at Stenhouse Medical Centre (Daybrook) and the Integrated Care Board on working closely with Gedling Borough Council to successfully deliver improvements funded through Section 106 contributions, which have expanded the centre's capacity to meet growing demand and provide enhanced services for our community?”


Question from Cllr Whiting to the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth and Economy

“How many pet shops are licensed within Gedling Borough, how many are rated below 3 out of 5, and what specific animal welfare training enforcement officers have had?”


Question from Cllr Whiting to the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Natural Habitat

“What steps is Gedling borough Council taking to prepare for possible flooding events in the borough ahead of the coming autumn and winter?”





A question from Cllr Stuart Bestwick was asked to the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth and Economy, as follows:


“Gedling Borough Council was provided with £2,866,555 of Shared Prosperity Funding from the previous Conservative Government. These funds were to boost productivity, pay, jobs and living standards by growing the private sector; spread opportunities, improve public services and restore a sense of community, local pride and belonging as well as empowering local leaders and communities.


Can the Cabinet Member update Council on the mechanism for agreeing where the funds should be spent, where it has been spent so far and on what projects?”


Response from Cllr Hollingsworth:


Thank you for the question, Councillor Bestwick. For the benefit of people watching who may not know much about the Shared Prosperity Fund, I am going to start with an overview of what it is and the governance that ensures delivery and compliance.


In 2022, Gedling Borough Council were awarded a 3 year allocation for UKSPF of £2,866,555. The allocation was split across the 3 themes of Communities and Place, People and Skills and Supporting Local Businesses. A 3 year UKSPF Investment Plan was submitted on 1st August 2022 following an analysis of data and surveys, and consultation with key stakeholders to support understanding of the needs in Gedling.


To meet the requirements of the UK SPF programme, a local partnership group was established and convened on y7 July 2022 – the group represented a diverse range of regional and local stakeholders, including the previous MPs for Gedling and Sherwood Forest. I would like to thank Tom Randall for attending all meetings and for his engagement and participation. The group was consulted on the investment plans and provided a consensus on the proposed interventions to meet the needs of Gedling.


In terms of governance, Gedling Borough Council was the accountable body, the local partnership group was the advisory group to the accountable body and the UKSPF group of officers ensure compliance. The UK SPF program is managed by the councils Housing, Growth and Regeneration service and reports periodically to the senior leadership team.  


The investment plan 2022 provides a framework for developing and funding projects during the term of the program subject to approvals as per the constitution. All of the UKSPF projects meet one of more of the intervention priorities established in the investment plan.


Councillor Bestwick asks how these funds have been spent and on what projects and these are as follows:


Community & place

·         Multiple project being delivered to improve Arnold and local centres – these will improve the physical appearance of the area and attract more people in

·         A number of events have taken place across the borough, and more are planned for year 3. I believe the Ravenshead Christmas tree lighting will be supported by the SPF.

·         A scope has been prepared to bring in a consultant to develop the heritage strategy with a focus on the visitor economy

·         A virtual CVS model for the borough is being  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.


Reports and recommendations of the Executive or a Committee (procedural rule 7.10)


Gedling Gambling Statement of Policy pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Report of the Director of Place

Additional documents:




Members accept and approve the Authority’s draft Gambling Statement of Policy for publication in January 2025.


Overview & Scrutiny annual report pdf icon PDF 19 KB

Report of the Democratic Services Manager

Additional documents:




Members note the annual Overview & Scrutiny report.



To consider comments, of which due notice has been given, under procedural rule 7.11 pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Additional documents:


No comments or questions were received on any set of minutes or decision record.


To consider motions under procedural rule 7.12

