Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday 25 January 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Thought for the day


The Mayor’s chaplain, Reverend Jac Bull, delivered a thought for the day which focused on holocaust memorial day.


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Boyle, Dunkin, Hollingsworth, Pearson and Towsey-Hinton.


Mayor's announcements


The Mayor expressed his best wishes to everyone for the New Year. He also confirmed that he had recently had the pleasure of taking part in some Chinese New Year celebrations, which were a great success.


To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2022 pdf icon PDF 165 KB




That the minutes of the above meeting, having been circulated, be approved as a correct record.



Declaration of interests




To deal with any petitions received under procedural rule 7.8


None received.


To answer questions asked by the public under procedural rule 7.7


None received.


To answer questions asked by Members of the Council under procedural rule 7.9

Question to the Portfolio Holder for Environment from Cllr Andrew Ellwood:


In view of the ongoing Green Lung Project at the Digby Park Arboretum, can the portfolio holder confirm when work will start on the re-surfacing of the footpath to the rear of Linsdale Gardens/ Kneeton Close and what measures will be put in place to alleviate flooding into the rear gardens of nearby residential properties?



A question was asked of the Portfolio Holder for Environment from Councillr Andrew Ellwood:


“In view of the ongoing Green Lung Project at the Digby Park Arboretum, can the portfolio holder confirm when work will start on the re-surfacing of the footpath to the rear of Linsdale Gardens/ Kneeton Close and what measures will be put in place to alleviate flooding into the rear gardens of nearby residential properties?”


Response by Councillor Ron McCrossen:


A capital budget was allocated to support the Green Lung labour manifesto pledge, and we are delivering the project over a three/four year period.


Stage 1: 22/23


Woodland planting at Digby Park and the launch of the Digby park arboretum with QR code identification information and a route map that locates the trees. This will include the positioning of new bins and benches and interpretation panels – due for installation in 2023.


Stage 2: 23/24                      


Path surfacing and drainage improvements. To prevent flooding and washout of the path/cycleway at the foot of the Golf Course near Neaton Close.


Stage 3: 2024                     


The installation of a link path that will lead from Arnold Lane on the new Keepmoat Development [funded by Keepmoat] to pick up from the Digby Park cycleway and walking path at the intersection where it meets Arnold Lane, across the estate to Collier Way.


Stage 4: 2024 onwards      


The installation of a link path from Collier Way [GAR] that will link into the path infrastructure in Gedling Country Park near to the methane extraction Plant. This being the last stage of the Green Lung route project. Sometime during 2024 on current timelines estimates.


There will be further tree planting and establishment of Bee Pollinator grassland meadows in these areas as they are developed - this will eventually allow cyclists and walkers from Carlton to travel to the Country Park along a green way, with put the requirement to use a vehicle.


The Council’s engineering officer John Evens is currently drawing up some drainage designs for the path near Neaton Close to divert water away from the properties on the close. Due diligence surveys are also being carried out in advance of tender preparation. Tenders should be invited in spring 2023 and installation work commence summer 2023.Following which the path will be resurfaced and fully reinstated. It is hoped that, weather, labour and materials permitting, the work will be complete for winter 2023/24”


Pay Policy Statement pdf icon PDF 795 KB

Report of the Head of HR, Performance and Service Planning.


Consideration was given to a report of the Head of HR, Performance and Service Planning, which sought to approve the Pay Policy Statement for subsequent publication on the Council’s website.




1) The Pay Policy Statement be approved and published to the website; and

2) The new Special Severance Payment Policy contained at Appendix ix of the Pay Policy Statement be approved and adopted to include the proposed delegations contained therein.




Council Tax Reduction Scheme pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Report of the Housing and Welfare Manager

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Housing and Welfare Manager, which sought to approve the current council tax reduction scheme to continue without revision in 2023/24.




1) The Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) 2023/24, to apply from 1 April

2023, be approved and adopted by full Council, and;

2) There are no changes to the CTRS for working age people as described in Section 2 of the report, except for the annual uprating and amendments of allowances and premiums in line with Housing Benefit levels; and

3) There are no changes to CTRS for pension age people except for those contained within the annual Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Amendment) (England) Regulations.



Parental leave policy for councillors pdf icon PDF 162 KB

Report of the Chief Executive

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Chief Executive, which sought to approval to consult on a draft Gedling Borough Council Parental Leave Policy for Councillors.




That Members agree to launch a consultation on the Draft Gedling Borough Council Parental Leave Policy at Appendix 1, in line with details set out in the report.


To receive questions and comments from Members concerning any matter dealt with by the Executive or a Committee (Procedural rule 7.10) pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Additional documents:


None received.


To consider comments, of which due notice has been given, under procedural rule 7.11


None received.


To consider motions under procedural rule 7.12


None received.