Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||
Thought for the day Minutes: A minute’s silence was held in remembrance of the innocent lives lost at home and around the world. The Mayor’s Chaplain, Father Philipp Ziomek, addressed council and gave a reading. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Brocklebank, Dunkin, Towsey-Hinton and Welsh. |
Mayor's announcements Minutes: The Mayor confirmed she had recently attended several remembrance events, held across the borough and noted she found it encouraging to see the great turnout amongst the community. She also highlighted that she was looking forward to turning various Christmas lights on across the borough and thanked the organisers for their hard work. |
To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2023 PDF 174 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the above meeting, having been circulated, be approved as a correct record.
Declaration of interests Minutes: None. |
To deal with any petitions received under procedural rule 7.8 Minutes: None. |
To answer questions asked by the public under procedural rule 7.7 Question 1
With reference to the Council’s own constitution published on its own website and dated 31 October 2023, in particular ‘Section 4 – The Full Council’. How does the Council feel the gendered language, which refers to Members and Mayor as ‘he’ in the constitution - language which is seen to reinforce glass ceilings rather than break them down, help the social mobility of women in Gedling Borough?
Question 2
I note that the Council’s constitution reads ‘If the questioner is not present at the meeting, the question will not be dealt with. In exceptional circumstances, in consultation with the Chief Executive, The Mayor has the discretion to put the question in the absence of the questioner, to defer it to the next meeting or to direct that a written response is provided’. My view is that the very tone of this aspect of the constitution deters people’s participation in our local democracy.
In 2023, given the technology available to us, I believe that a constitution that dictates a member of the public must attend a meeting limits people’s participation in our democracy. I believe that people with caring commitments, varied working patterns, NHS shift workers, people who have challenges with accessibility etc, should have full access to our democracy. These don’t strike me as ‘exceptional circumstances. The reasons I cannot attend this evening are far from exceptional, they are my ordinary weekly commitments.
Does the Council not agree that people’s participation in our democracy should not rest on the ‘discretion’ of the Mayor or Chief Executive and should be fully backed and protected within the constitution?
Question 3
What plans does Gedling Borough Council have in place to mitigate the use of council property being used to display election campaign material?
Question 4
Given that over several years there has been issues with Gedling Borough Council’s responses to Freedom of Information requests, for example:
• FOI 11304 – late response attributed to the ‘a issue with our FOI collation system’. The FOI was only answered once the requester chased the Council.
• FOI 11396 – wrong information was given in the response to the request. This was only picked up because the requester challenged the data. Gedling Borough Council responded, ‘we made an error on this question’.
• FOI 8728 – Late response
• FOI 12399 – Late response and partially answered response. Requester had to chase the Council for a response. The reason for the late reply was ‘This was due to no other reason that workload issues and annual leave.’ The reason the FOI was only partially answered was because ‘It would appear that I [the responder] was not provided with the full details of your query’. The requester had to chase the remaining parts of the query.
• FOI 12022 – Regarding Levelling Up bids. Initially the response said ‘We do not hold any feedback for round one, as this was dealt with by officers who are no longer employed by the Council. I have ... view the full agenda text for item 54. Minutes: Six questions had been received, however question six had been withdrawn as the questioner had expressed the view that they felt the question would not be answered in full and had asked that the reason be minuted.
The remaining 5 questioners were unable to attend so their questions were read out by the Chief Executive and answered by the Leader of the Council, as follows:
Question 1 With reference to the Council’s own constitution published on its own website and dated 31 October 2023, in particular ‘Section 4 – The Full Council’. How does the Council feel the gendered language, which refers to Members and Mayor as ‘he’ in the constitution - language which is seen to reinforce glass ceilings rather than break them down, help the social mobility of women in Gedling Borough?
Answer 1 It is recognised that some of the language within the Council’s Procedure Rules at Section 4 of the Constitution is dated and gender specific. At the Council meeting on 12July 2023, it was agreed to establish a working group to review the Procedure Rules and the working group met in October to discuss and propose amendments. One of those proposals was to review and amend the language within the Rules to make it easier to understand and remove the gender specific references.
At the moment a new draft of the procedure rules is underway to be brought back to the Working group later this year with a view to the Council considering a new set of Rules in the New Year.
Question 2 I note that the Council’s constitution reads ‘If the questioner is not present at the meeting, the question will not be dealt with. In exceptional circumstances, in consultation with the Chief Executive, The Mayor has the discretion to put the question in the absence of the questioner, to defer it to the next meeting or to direct that a written response is provided.’ My view is that the very tone of this aspect of the constitution deters people’s participation in our local democracy.
In 2023, given the technology available to us, I believe that a constitution that dictates a member of the public must attend a meeting limits people’s participation in our democracy. I believe that people with caring commitments, varied working patterns, NHS shift workers, people who have challenges with accessibility etc, should have full access to our democracy. These don’t strike me as ‘exceptional circumstances’. The reasons I cannot attend this evening are far from exceptional, they are my ordinary weekly commitments.
Does the Council not agree that people’s participation in our democracy should not rest on the ‘discretion’ of the Mayor or Chief Executive and should be fully backed and protected within the constitution?
Answer 2 It is accepted there may be a number of valid reasons why a member of the public, who wishes to put a question to this council, may be unable to attend the meeting in person. For this reason, the Constitution does ... view the full minutes text for item 54. |
To answer questions asked by Members of the Council under procedural rule 7.9 Minutes: None. |
Gedling Statement of Licensing Policy PDF 139 KB Report of the Head of Environment Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Environment, which sought to inform Members of the requirements of Section 5(3) of the Licensing Act 2003 in relation to the review of the Gedling Statement of Licensing Policy and to seek approval to adopt the revised Policy to come into effect on 7 January 2024.
Aprove the revised Gedling Statement of Licensing Policy to come into effect from 7 January 2024. |
Co-option of Parish Representative to Standards Committee PDF 141 KB Report of the Monitoring Officer Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Monitoring Officer, which sought to recommend that Louise Kopyrko, Councillor for Calverton Parish Council, be co-opted on to the Standards Committee to fill the vacant post of co-opted parish representative.
That Louise Kopyrko, Councillor for Calverton Parish Council, be co-opted on to the Standards Committee to fill the vacant post of co-opted parish representative until the next annual meeting. |
Changes to committee membership PDF 52 KB Report of the Democratic Services Manager Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Democratic Services Manager, which sought to approve changes on representation on committees, following formal notification of two resignations of membership from the Labour Party.
An amendment to recommendation points 10 was made in the following terms:
This Council resolves to amend recommendation 10 of the report to read as follows: “Councillor Dunkin to be elected of Vice-Chair or Overview & Scrutiny committee”
Proposed by Cllr Ellwood Seconded by Cllr Hughes
A request for a recorded vote on the amendment was proposed and seconded. On being put the vote, the amendment was lost.
The original motion was debated and on being put to vote, it was carried.
1) Remove Councillor Whiting from Joint Consultative and Safety Committee; and 2) Add Councillor Ron McCrossen as a member of the Joint Consultative and Safety Committee; and 3) Remove Councillor Ron McCrossen as a member of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee; and 4) Add Councillor Robinson-Payne as a member of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee; and 5) Add Councillors Gibbons and Whiting to Standards Committee; and 6) Remove Councillor Gibbons from Planning Committee; and 7) Add Councillor Whiting as a member of the Planning Committee; and 8) Councillor Gibbons to remain on the Environment and Licensing Committee and Licensing Act Panel as an Independent; and 9) Councillor Whiting to remain on the Overview & Scrutiny Committee as an Independent; and 10)Add Councillor Brocklebank as Vice-Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
Additional documents:
Minutes: No comments were made. |
To consider comments, of which due notice has been given, under procedural rule 7.11 Minutes: None. |
To consider motions under procedural rule 7.12 Motion 1
This Council expresses its concern at the seriousness of the flooding across Gedling Borough, which took place on 20 October 2023 and subsequent days.
This Council recognises that homes and businesses have been damaged as a result of these flood waters and debris.
This Council recognises the severity of recent flooding and damage to properties in Woodborough and Lambley, as well as flooding impact in Burton Joyce, Newstead, Ravenshead and locations across Arnold and the wider Borough. This Council extends its sympathy and support to residents and businesses within our borough who have been personally affected by the recent flooding.
This Council expresses its thanks to everyone involved in the response to October’s floods, including the emergency services, members of the community, businesses, council officers and public agencies.
This Council notes that in November 2014 the National Audit Office warned half of Britain’s flood defence systems were being maintained at a ‘minimal level’ and were likely to ‘deteriorate faster’ as a result of government budget cuts.
This Council is disappointed that central government cuts to the Environment Agency led to a reduction in staff and capacity, with the independent Chair of the Environment Agency warning in a letter to government in April 2021, that without an 'uplift' in funding 'we would not be able to maintain all our defences in the desired condition, putting communities at risk.'
This Council urges the Government and the Environment Agency to urgently commit to providing significant capital funding and support for the communities of Woodborough, Lambley and other aforementioned flooding hot spot areas across Gedling Borough to help prevent and mitigate against future flooding.
This Council urges the Government to reform HM Treasury ‘green book’ rules for investment into flood mitigation, where an evaluation of cost against economic benefit is required. This means that some properties will never be protected because of this calculation, as it ignores wellbeing, stress caused and psychological impacts on flooded residents.
This Council commits to making representations to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on these issues.
Proposer: Cllr Michael Payne Seconder: Cllr John Clarke
Motion 2
This Council expresses bitter disappointment and anger that the Conservative government has chosen not to give Gedling a single penny from the billions of pounds it has allocated as part of the Towns Fund (July 2021), Levelling Up Fund Round 1 (October 2021), Future High Streets Fund (December 2021), Levelling Up Fund Round 2 (January 2023), Levelling Up Partnerships (March 2023), Long Term Plan for Towns Fund (October 2023).
This Council also notes with disappointment the Conservative government’s decision not to award the communities of Gedling a single penny from the Levelling Up Parks Fund (September 2022).
This Council notes the unfairness and significant disparity when comparing the funds allocated to our nearest neighbouring councils and the fact Gedling’s communities have not received a single penny. The allocations from the Conservative government for Nottinghamshire councils from the Towns Fund, Levelling Up Fund Round 1, Future High ... view the full agenda text for item 61. Minutes: Motion 1
Councillor Payne, seconded by Councillor Clarke proposed a motion in the following terms:
“This Council expresses its concern at the seriousness of the flooding across Gedling Borough, which took place on 20 October 2023 and subsequent days.
This Council recognises that homes and businesses have been damaged as a result of these flood waters and debris.
This Council recognises the severity of recent flooding and damage to properties in Woodborough and Lambley, as well as flooding impact in Burton Joyce, Newstead, Ravenshead and locations across Arnold and the wider Borough. This Council extends its sympathy and support to residents and businesses within our borough who have been personally affected by the recent flooding.
This Council expresses its thanks to everyone involved in the response to October’s floods, including the emergency services, members of the community, businesses, council officers and public agencies.
This Council notes that in November 2014 the National Audit Office warned half of Britain’s flood defence systems were being maintained at a ‘minimal level’ and were likely to ‘deteriorate faster’ as a result of government budget cuts.
This Council is disappointed that central government cuts to the Environment Agency led to a reduction in staff and capacity, with the independent Chair of the Environment Agency warning in a letter to government in April 2021, that without an 'uplift' in funding 'we would not be able to maintain all our defences in the desired condition, putting communities at risk.'
This Council urges the Government and the Environment Agency to urgently commit to providing significant capital funding and support for the communities of Woodborough, Lambley and other aforementioned flooding hot spot areas across Gedling Borough to help prevent and mitigate against future flooding.
This Council urges the Government to reform HM Treasury ‘green book’ rules for investment into flood mitigation, where an evaluation of cost against economic benefit is required. This means that some properties will never be protected because of this calculation, as it ignores wellbeing, stress caused and psychological impacts on flooded residents.
This Council commits to making representations to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on these issues.
Proposer: Cllr Michael Payne Seconder: Cllr John Clarke”
On being put to vote, the motion was carried unanimously.
This Council expresses its concern at the seriousness of the flooding across Gedling Borough, which took place on 20 October 2023 and subsequent days.
This Council recognises that homes and businesses have been damaged as a result of these flood waters and debris.
This Council recognises the severity of recent flooding and damage to properties in Woodborough and Lambley, as well as flooding impact in Burton Joyce, Newstead, Ravenshead and locations across Arnold and the wider Borough. This Council extends its sympathy and support to residents and businesses within our borough who have been personally affected by the recent flooding.
This Council expresses its thanks to everyone involved in the response to October’s floods, including the emergency services, members of the community, businesses, ... view the full minutes text for item 61.