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No. | Item |
Thought for the day Minutes: The Mayor’s chaplain was unable to attend, so the Mayor invited Councillor Sandra Barnes to deliver the thought for the day, which referenced the importance and power of a smile and being kind. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: None received. |
Mayor's announcements Minutes: The Mayor confirmed that this meeting would be his last as he had retired from the office of Councillor. He passed on his best wishes to everyone for the future and gave thanks to his colleagues and the officers he had worked with across his years at the council. Peter Barnes received a round of applause of thanks from all in the room for his long service and services rendered to the council. |
Declaration of interests Minutes: None. |
To elect a Mayor for the ensuing year Minutes: Councillor Clarke proposed that Councillor Julie Najuk be elected as the Mayor of Gedling for the forthcoming year, this was seconded by Councillor Payne.
That Councillor Julie Najuk be elected Mayor for the Borough of Gedling for the ensuing year.
Councillor Julie Najuk signed the declaration of acceptance and thanked the Council. She confirmed that Father Philip Ziomek of Good Shepherd church in Woodthorpe, would be her Chaplin for the next municipal year. The Mayor nominated the Anthony Nolan charity as her charity for the municipal year.
Councillor Julie Najuk, as Mayor, adjourned the meeting to allow the transfer of the chain of office and robes.
The meeting was resumed with Councillor Julie Najuk in the Chair. |
Vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor Minutes: Proposed by Councillor Clarke and seconded by Councillor Payne
That Councillor Peter Barnes and his consort, Councillor Sandra Barnes, be thanked for their work undertaken during the 2022/23 term of office. |
To appoint a Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year Minutes: The Mayor invited nominations. Councillor Clarke proposed that Councillor Ron McCrossen be Deputy Mayor for the 2023/24 mayoral year, which was seconded by Councillor Payne.
That Councillor Ron McCrossen be elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Gedling for the ensuing year.
Councillor Ron McCrossen signed the declaration of acceptance and thanked the Council. |
To appoint a Youth Mayor for the ensuing year Minutes: The Mayor welcomed Freddie Vokes as the newly elected Gedling Youth Mayor to the lectern to give a speech. Fatimah Malik, the outgoing Youth Mayor gave a medallion to Freddie. |
Vote of thanks to the outgoing Youth Mayor Minutes: The Mayor thanked Fatimah Malik for her work during the last year as Gedling Youth Mayor and invited her to the lectern to give a speech. |
To confirm Leader of the Council for the ensuing year Minutes: Councillor Payne, seconded by Councillor Hollingsworth, moved that Councillor Clarke be appointed as Leader of the Council for the ensuing year.
That Councillor Clarke is appointed as Leader of the Council for the ensuing year. |
To receive notification of Portfolio Holders and membership of the Cabinet PDF 132 KB Report of the Leader of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Clarke informed the Council of the appointments of Deputy Leader and his Cabinet as detailed at appendix 1 to the report.
To note the information. |
To recognise leaders of political groups Minutes: Conservative Group
Proposed by Councillor Sam Smith, seconded by Councillor Elliott.
Liberal Democrat Group
Proposed by Councillor Towsey-Hinton, seconded by Councillor Dunkin.
RESOLVED that: 1) Councillor Adams be recognised as Leader of the Conservative Group; and 2) Councillor Ellwood be recognised as Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group
To approve the schedule of meetings for the ensuing year PDF 133 KB Report of the Democratic Services Manager Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Clarke and seconded by Councillor Payne that the schedule of meetings for the ensuring year be approved.
To approve the schedule of meetings for the 2023/24 municipal year. |
Report of the Democratic Services Manager Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Rachael Ellis and seconded by Councillor Grahame Pope that the membership of the scrutiny committee, standing ordinary committees and sub-committees of the Council, as circulated at the meeting, be approved.
To appoint to the Council’s scrutiny committee, standing ordinary committees and sub-committees in accordance with appendix 3. |
To appointment representatives to outside bodies PDF 133 KB Report of the Democratic Services Manager Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Rachael Ellis and seconded by Councillor Grahame Pope that the appointment for representatives to outside bodies, as detailed in the agenda pack, be amended to read that Councillor Marje Paling is the Arnold Parochial Charity representative instead of Jennifer Cole.
To appoint representatives of the Council to outside bodies, in accordance with the amendment. |