68 Application no. 2022/0987 - Land off Teal Close, Netherfield PDF 490 KB
Residential development of 16 dwellings, public open space, landscaping, access and associated infrastructure – Re-plan of Plots 583 to 597 as approved by Reserved Matters Approval 2019/0560.
The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report.
He explained that the Highways Authority had requested some minor amendments to the footpath link and road alignments and that as these matters had now been addressed, the Highways Authority had confirmed that they no longer had any objections to the scheme, subject to the normal conditions in relation to surface, drainage and wheel washing facilities. He added that these were already covered in the suggested conditions 3, 4 and 6 and as such it was only necessary to update the approved plan at condition 2, to incorporate these additional plans.
He added that the developer had requested that the timeframe to implement the planning permission was extended to five years instead of the standard three years to allow the site to be built out at the final stage of the development and for it to be used as a compound for the wider development up until that point. He added that it was considered to be a reasonable request and that there were no concerns in relation to the longer implementation period.
He added that for completeness it was also necessary to attach a further condition in relation to landscaping for the site.
He concluded that subject to the updated conditions and the additional landscaping condition the proposal was considered acceptable and was therefore recommended for approval.
Grant Planning Permission subject to the applicant entering into a section 106 with the Borough Council as the Local Planning Authority and the County Council to secure planning obligations in respect of affordable housing in relation to the delivery of two First Homes, an education financial contribution and financial contribution towards the maintenance of open space and subject to the following conditions:
1 The development hereby permitted shall commence before the expiration of 5 years from the date of this permission.
2 This permission shall be read in accordance with the following plans:
Location Plan
Planning Layout RG3/PL/01 Rev D
Charter Plan RG3/CC/CP/01/F
Broadhaven BrH_MA_Det_R21-901 Rev No.00
Broadhaven BrH_MA_Det_R21-904 Rev No.00
Broadhaven BrH_MA_Det_R21-905 Rev No.00
Cullen Detached Cul_MA_DET_R21-901 Rev No.00
Cullen Detached Cul_MA_DET_R21-904 Rev No.00
Cullen Detached Cul_MA_DET_R21-905 Rev No.00
Heysham Detached HeY_MA_DET_R21 -901 Rev No.00
Heysham Detached HeY_MA_DET_R21 -904 Rev No.00
Heysham Detached HeY_MA_DET_R21 -905 Rev No.00
Hollicombe Detached HoC_MA_DET_R21 -901 Rev No.00
Hollicombe Detached HoC_MA_DET_R21 -904 Rev No.00
Hollicombe Detached HoC_MA_DET_R21 -905 Rev No.00
Kingsand Detached KgS_MA_DET_R21 -901 Rev No. 00
Kingsand Detached KgS_MA_DET_R21 -904 Rev No. 00
Seacombe Detached Se_MA_DET_R21 -901 Rev No. 00
Seacombe Detached Se_MA_DET_R21 -904 Rev No. 00
Seacombe Detached Se_MA_DET_R21 -905 Rev No. 00
Turnberry Detached TuN_MA_DET_R21 -901 rev No. 00
Turnberry Detached TuN_MA_DET_R21 -904 rev No. 00
Alnmouth Semi Detached Al-C_MA_End_R21-901
Single Garage Hucknall
Double and Paired Garages Hucknall
The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these plans.
3 No part of the development ... view the full minutes text for item 68