Residential development of 16 dwellings, public open space, landscaping, access and associated infrastructure – Re-plan of Plots 583 to 597 as approved by Reserved Matters Approval 2019/0560.
The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report.
He explained that the Highways Authority had requested some minor amendments to the footpath link and road alignments and that as these matters had now been addressed, the Highways Authority had confirmed that they no longer had any objections to the scheme, subject to the normal conditions in relation to surface, drainage and wheel washing facilities. He added that these were already covered in the suggested conditions 3, 4 and 6 and as such it was only necessary to update the approved plan at condition 2, to incorporate these additional plans.
He added that the developer had requested that the timeframe to implement the planning permission was extended to five years instead of the standard three years to allow the site to be built out at the final stage of the development and for it to be used as a compound for the wider development up until that point. He added that it was considered to be a reasonable request and that there were no concerns in relation to the longer implementation period.
He added that for completeness it was also necessary to attach a further condition in relation to landscaping for the site.
He concluded that subject to the updated conditions and the additional landscaping condition the proposal was considered acceptable and was therefore recommended for approval.
Grant Planning Permission subject to the applicant entering into a section 106 with the Borough Council as the Local Planning Authority and the County Council to secure planning obligations in respect of affordable housing in relation to the delivery of two First Homes, an education financial contribution and financial contribution towards the maintenance of open space and subject to the following conditions:
1 The development hereby permitted shall commence before the expiration of 5 years from the date of this permission.
2 This permission shall be read in accordance with the following plans:
Location Plan
Planning Layout RG3/PL/01 Rev D
Charter Plan RG3/CC/CP/01/F
Broadhaven BrH_MA_Det_R21-901 Rev No.00
Broadhaven BrH_MA_Det_R21-904 Rev No.00
Broadhaven BrH_MA_Det_R21-905 Rev No.00
Cullen Detached Cul_MA_DET_R21-901 Rev No.00
Cullen Detached Cul_MA_DET_R21-904 Rev No.00
Cullen Detached Cul_MA_DET_R21-905 Rev No.00
Heysham Detached HeY_MA_DET_R21 -901 Rev No.00
Heysham Detached HeY_MA_DET_R21 -904 Rev No.00
Heysham Detached HeY_MA_DET_R21 -905 Rev No.00
Hollicombe Detached HoC_MA_DET_R21 -901 Rev No.00
Hollicombe Detached HoC_MA_DET_R21 -904 Rev No.00
Hollicombe Detached HoC_MA_DET_R21 -905 Rev No.00
Kingsand Detached KgS_MA_DET_R21 -901 Rev No. 00
Kingsand Detached KgS_MA_DET_R21 -904 Rev No. 00
Seacombe Detached Se_MA_DET_R21 -901 Rev No. 00
Seacombe Detached Se_MA_DET_R21 -904 Rev No. 00
Seacombe Detached Se_MA_DET_R21 -905 Rev No. 00
Turnberry Detached TuN_MA_DET_R21 -901 rev No. 00
Turnberry Detached TuN_MA_DET_R21 -904 rev No. 00
Alnmouth Semi Detached Al-C_MA_End_R21-901
Single Garage Hucknall
Double and Paired Garages Hucknall
The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these plans.
3 No part of the development hereby permitted shall be brought into use until all drives and parking areas are surfaced in a bound material (not loose gravel). The surfaced drives and parking areas shall then be maintained in such bound material for the life of the development.
4 No part of the development hereby permitted shall be brought into use until the access driveways and parking areas are constructed with provision to prevent the unregulated discharge of surface water from the driveways and parking areas to the public highway. The provision to prevent the unregulated discharge of surface water to the public highway shall then be retained for the life of the development.
5 From the date of first occupation every property built on the site shall be provided with access to electric vehicle (EV) charge point(s) in line with Part S of the Building Regulations. All EV charging points shall meet relevant safety and accessibility requirements and be clearly marked with their purpose; which should be drawn to the attention of new residents in their new home welcome pack / travel planning advice.
6 Prior to the commencement of development hereby approved a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The CEMP shall include the following details; (1) the hedgerow and tree protection measures that shall be implemented for all retained woodland, trees and hedgerows approved as part of the landscaping pursuant to this application. A statement shall also be provided which details how the protection measures shall be implemented so as to minimise damage and disturbance to habitats within the vicinity and the species they support. The protection measures shall accord with current British Standards in relation to design, demolition and construction (BS5837:2012 or any subsequent revision); (2) the measures that shall be implemented during the construction of the development so as to minimise water runoff and works pollution entering watercourses; and (3) the measures that shall be implemented so as to avoid any disturbance to nesting birds during construction.(4) details of traffic routes for Heavy Good Vehicular movements during the construction of the development. (5) details of wheel washing facilities to be used by vehicles entering and leaving site during the construction of the development ; and (6) details of how the principle of Best Practicable Means shall be applied in relation to minimising impact on the surrounding area during the construction of the development in relation to noise and vibration and safeguarding air quality. The approved CEMP and all details therein shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.
7 Prior to the commencement of the development the following must be complied with:
Site Characterisation
An assessment of the nature and extent of any potential contamination has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This assessment must be undertaken by a competent person, and shall assess any contamination on the site, whether or not it originates on the site. Moreover, it must include; a survey of the extent, scale and nature of contamination and; an assessment of the potential risks to: human health, property, adjoining land, controlled waters, ecological systems, archaeological sites and ancient monuments.
Submission of Remediation Scheme
Where required, a detailed remediation scheme (to bring the site to a condition suitable for the intended use by removing unacceptable risks to critical receptors) should be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme must include all works to be undertaken, proposed remediation objectives and remediation criteria, an appraisal of remedial options, and proposal of the preferred option(s), and a timetable of works and site management procedures.
8 In the event that remediation is required to render the development suitable for use, the agreed remediation scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved timetable of works. Prior to occupation of any building(s) a Verification Report (that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out) must be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
9 In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority and once the Local Planning Authority has identified the part of the site affected by the unexpected contamination development must be halted on that part of the site. An assessment must be undertaken in accordance with the requirements above, and where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme, together with a timetable for its implementation and verification reporting, must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
10 Prior to the commencement of development details of the existing and proposed ground levels of the site and finished floor levels of the dwellings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.
11 No development shall be commenced until details of the means of surface and foul drainage have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.
12 Prior to above ground construction works commencing precise details of soft and hard landscaping works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning Authority. This shall include landscape plans and particulars including the size, species and positions of trees/hedges to provide screening to the side garden area together with a programme for implementation. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. If within a period of five years beginning with the date of the planting of any tree or shrub approved in relation to this permission that tree or shrub that is planted in replacement of it, is removed, uprooted or destroyed or dies or becomes in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority seriously damaged or defective, another tree or shrub of the same species and size as that originally planted shall be planted at the same place.
1 To define the permission and for the avoidance of doubt.
2 To define the permission and for the avoidance of doubt.
3 To reduce the possibility of deleterious material being deposited on the public highway.
4 To ensure surface water from the site is not deposited on the public highway causing dangers to road users.
5 To ensure the development is constructed in an appropriate sustainable manner which takes into consideration air quality with in the Borough, and takes into consideration the National Planning Policy Framework and policy LPD11 of the Councils Local Plan.
6 To ensure the development is constructed in an appropriate sustainable manner which takes into consideration air quality with in the Borough, and takes into consideration the National Planning Policy Framework and policy LPD11 of the Councils Local Plan.
7 To ensure the development is safe and suitable for use, thereby taking into consideration paragraph 183 of the National Planning Policy Framework and policy LPD7 of the Councils Local Plan
8 To ensure the development is safe and suitable for use, thereby taking into consideration paragraph 183 of the National Planning Policy Framework and policy LPD7 of the Councils Local Plan
9 To ensure the development is safe and suitable for use, thereby taking into consideration paragraph 183 of the National Planning Policy Framework and policy LPD7 of the Councils Local Plan
10 To ensure a satisfactory form of development.
11 To ensure a satisfactory means of surface and foul drainage for the site.
12 In the interests of visual amenity.
Notes to Applicant
The Borough Council has worked positively and proactively with the applicant in accordance with paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).
All electrical circuits/installations shall comply with the electrical requirements of BS7671:2008 as well as conform to the IET code of practice on Electrical Vehicle Charging Equipment installation (2015) and The Electric Vehicles (Smart Charge Points) Regulations 2021.
The Borough Council has worked positively and proactively with the applicant in accordance with paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework. During the processing of the application discussions took place with the applicant to make amendments to the application to ensure a positive outcome could be achieved.
Supporting documents: