41 Application no. 2021/1332 - Ashdale, Nottingham Road, Burton Joyce PDF 367 KB
Approval of reserved matters, appearance and landscaping, pursuant to outline permission 2021/1464 for the erection of 11 dwellings.
Dan Stack, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report.
To GRANT RESERVED APPROVAL subject to the following conditions for the reasons set out in the report.
1 This permission shall be read in accordance with the application form and following list of approved drawings:
KIN-01 Plot 11 Floor Plans
KIN-02 Plot 11 Elevations
GLA-01 Plot 10 Floor Plans
GLA-02 Plot 10 Elevations
CAR9-01 Plot 9 Floor Plans
CAR9-02 Plot 9 Elevations
CAS8-01 Plot 8 Floor Plans
CAS8-02 Plot 8 Elevations
ERR7-01 Plot 7 Floor Plans
ERR7-02 Plot 7 Elevations
HOLL-01 Plot 6 Floor Plans
HOLL-02 Plot 6 Elevations
BRAD-01 Plots 4 and 5 Floor Plans
BRAD-02 Plots 4 and 5 Elevations
BRO-01 Plot 3 Floor Plans
BRO-02 Plot 3 Elevations
ERR2-01 Plot 2 Floor Plans
ERR2-02 Plot 2 Elevations
ERR1-01 Plot 1 Floor Plans
ERR1-02 Plot 1 Elevations
G01 Garage Type 1 Plans and Elevations
G02 Garage Type 2 Plans and Elevations
G03 Garage Type 3 Plans and Elevations
153 /A-NR-BJ/ PL-1 Planning Layout as Proposed
GL1661 01 Landscape Management Plan
The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these plans/details.
2 Prior to above ground works commencing details of materials to be used in the external appearance of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall proceed in accordance with the details as approved.
3 Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme of landscaping showing the location, species and size of specimens to be planted shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme as approved shall be carried out in the first planting season following the completion of each development phase. Any trees, shrubs or plants that die within a period of five years from the completion of each development phase, or are removed and/or become seriously damaged or diseased in that period, shall be replaced (and if necessary continue to be replaced) in the first available planting season with others of similar size and species.
4 No part of the development shall be brought into use until details of all the boundary treatments proposed for the site including types, height, design and materials, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved boundary treatment for each individual plot on site shall be implemented prior to the occupation of each individual dwelling
1 For the avoidance of doubt.
2 To ensure that the character of the area is respected and to comply with policies ACS10 and NP2.
3 To ensure that the character of the area is respected and to comply with policies ACS10 and NP2.
4 To ensure that the character of the area is respected and to comply with policies ACS10 and NP2.
Notes to Applicant
The attached permission is for development which will ... view the full minutes text for item 41