Issue - meetings

Planning Application 2018/0045

Meeting: 13/06/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 4)

4 Planning Application No. 2018/0045 - Kendon Packaging Ltd Meadow Road, Netherfield. pdf icon PDF 832 KB


Outline planning application for up to 40 No. dwellings with all matters reserved except access.


Clare Selwood and Michael Rowley, local residents, spoke against the application.


Bob Woollard, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


The Service Manager – Development Services, introduced the report.


RESOLVED toGrant Outline Planning Permission with the matter of Access approved: Subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement with the Borough Council as Local Planning Authority and with the County Council as Local Education Authority for the provision of, or financial contributions towards, affordable housing, open space, healthcare facilities, education, and a local labour agreement; and subject to the conditions listed for the reasons set out in the report.




1.         Approval of the details of layout, scale parameters, landscaping and appearance (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority before the commencement of any development.



2.         Application for the approval of reserved matters must be made not later than three years from the date of the outline permission and the development to which this permission relates must be begun within two years from the date of final approval of reserved matters.




3.         This permission shall be read in accordance with the Site Location Plan and Access Layout Plan, drawing ADC1606-DR-001 Rev P1, and the Flood Risk Assessment, RSE_950-02V1 received by the Local Planning Authority on 16th January 2018.



4.         Prior to first occupation of the development and with reference to Noise Impact Assessment by Noise Vibration Consultants Ltd (Date: 17th January 2018), verification that the approved sound insulation scheme has been implemented and is fully operational shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.



5.         Prior to the commencement of the development a detailed Noise and Dust Management Plan shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The noise management part of the plan should make reference to the submitted Noise Impact Assessment by Noise Vibration Consultants Ltd (Date: 17th January 2018).The Noise and Dust Management Plan shall identify the types and locations of works which are likely to cause noise and dust disturbance to sensitive receptors and:- Minimise noise and dust arising from such works by technical and physical means, and through work scheduling & management best practice - Identify (and make stakeholders aware of) the person responsible for recording, investigating & dealing with complaints from residents- Set out a communication strategy to keep regulators, resident and other stakeholders advised well in advance of specific works which are likely to cause noise and dust disturbance- Ensure that as much of the disruptive / noisy / dust generating work as possible is carried out during the normal construction operating hours- Regularly review the Noise and Dust Management Plan. Any amendments which may have an impact on noise or dust sensitive receptors shall be agreed in advance with the regulator and communicated to all other stakeholders. The approved Noise and Dust Management Plan shall  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4