Voting record

 Budget Meeting, Council, Thursday 2 March 2023 6.00 pm

Item: Independent Remuneration Panel - Report and recommendations for 2023/24

IRP report and recommendations for 2023/24:

Amendment status:Carried

ForCouncillor Peter Barnes, S Barnes, P Bosworth, M Boyle, N Brooks, Councillor Clarke, Clunie, B Collis, J Creamer, Dunkin, Ellis, Councillor David Ellis, A Ellwood, P Feeney, K Fox, Gibbons, J Hollingsworth, M Hope, M Lawrence, Councillor R McCrossen, Councillor V McCrossen, B Miller, Najuk, M Paling, Councillor Payne, Councillor Pearson, A Scroggie, Towsey-Hinton, J Truscott, H Wheeler and Wilkinson31
AgainstM Adams, C Barnfather, Elliott, Greensmith, J Parr, Smith and Smith7
Conflict Of InterestsNone0