Forward plan

Forward Plan  (01/09/2024 to 31/03/2025)

Plan items
No. Item


Update on the Work of the Policy Advisors New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   5 Sep 2024

Lead officer:  Mike Hill

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Phase 1 office moves New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   5 Sep 2024

Lead officer:  David Archer

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Selective Licensing outcome of the phase 1A public consultation New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   5 Sep 2024

Lead officer:  Sam Palmer

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Gedling Plan Quarter 1 Report 2024-25 New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   5 Sep 2024

Lead officer:  David Archer

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Quarterly Budget Monitoring and Virement Report – Quarter 1 2024/25 New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   5 Sep 2024

Lead officer:  David Archer

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Prudential Code Indicator Monitoring 2024/25 and Quarterly Treasury Activity Report for Quarter ended 31 July 2024 New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   5 Sep 2024

Lead officer:  Tina Adams

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Consultation on the Publication Draft Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Council

Decision due:   17 Oct 2024

Lead officer:  Jo Gray

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Approval of GBC Design Code Framework

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   31 Oct 2024

Lead officer:  Jo Gray

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Carlton Town Plan

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   31 Oct 2024

Lead officer:  Tanya Najuk

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Parks Byelaws

Decision maker:  Council

Decision due:   22 Jan 2025

Lead officer:  Melvyn Cryer

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Adoption of Local Labour Agreement SPD

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   30 Jan 2025

Lead officer:  Jo Gray

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open  -