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Appeals and Retirements Committee
Appointments and Conditions of Service Committee
Audit Committee
Community and Quality of Life Scrutiny Committee
Councillor A Bexon (Portfolio Holder for Development and Enterprise)
Councillor A.A Clarke (Portfolio Holder for Housing)
Councillor Darrell Pulk (Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Development)
Councillor G V Clarke (Safe and Sustainable Neighbourhoods)
Councillor I.Gollop (Portfolio Holder for Agenda 21, Crime and Community Development)
Councillor J M Parr (Portfolio Holder for Customer and Member Services)
Councillor Jenny Hollingsworth (Portfolio Holder for Health and Housing)
Councillor Jim Creamer (Portfolio Holder for Environment)
Councillor John Clarke (Portfolio Holder for Finance and Performance)
Councillor Kathryn Fox (Portfolio Holder for Community Development)
Councillor Michael Payne (Portfolio Communication and Public Protection)
Councillor P. Feeney (Portfolio Holder for Development and Economic Regeneration)
Councillor Paul Feeney (Portfolio Holder for Environment & Sustainability)
Councillor R J Tait (Portfolio Holder for Development)
Councillor R Poynter (Portfolio Holder for E-Government and Member Services)
Councillor R.Nicholson (Portfolio Holder for Direct Services and Property )
Councillor R.Spencer (Portfolio Holder for Finance)
Councillor Roy Allan (Portfolio Holder for Economic & Strategic Development)
Councillor V C Pepper (Portfolio Holder for Public Protection)
Councillor V. McCrossen (Portfolio Holder for Housing)
Councillor W. Golland (Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Communities)
Councillor Wendy Golland (Portfolio Holder for Leisure Services)
Environment and Licensing Committee
Gedling Youth Council
Joint Consultative and Safety Committee
Licensing Act Committee
Licensing Act Panel
Overarching Scrutiny Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Performance Review Scrutiny Committee
Personnel and Resources Committee
Planning Committee
Policy Review Scrutiny Committee
Resources and Management Scrutiny Committee
Services Scrutiny Committee
Standards Committee
Standards hearing panel
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Adams, Councillor Michael Adams
Allan, Councillor Roy Allan
Barnes, Councillor Sandra Barnes
Bestwick, Councillor Stuart Bestwick
Brocklebank, Councillor David Brocklebank
Brown, Councillor Lorraine Brown
Clarke, Councillor John Clarke
Creamer, Councillor Jim Creamer
Dunkin, Councillor Andrew Dunkin
Elliott, Councillor Boyd Elliott
Ellis, Councillor David Ellis
Ellis, Councillor Rachael Ellis
Ellis, Councillor Roxanne Ellis
Ellwood, Councillor Andrew Ellwood
Feeney, Councillor Paul Feeney
Fox, Councillor Kathryn Fox
Greensmith, Councillor Helen Greensmith
Hollingsworth, Councillor Jenny Hollingsworth
Hughes, Councillor Paul Hughes
Hunt, Councillor Alison Hunt
McCrossen, Councillor Ron McCrossen
McCrossen, Councillor Viv McCrossen
Najuk, Councillor Julie Najuk
Paling, Councillor Marje Paling
Payne, Councillor Michael Payne
Pearson, Councillor Lynda Pearson
Pickering, Councillor Sue Pickering
Pope, Councillor Catherine Pope
Pope, Councillor Grahame Pope
Robinson-Payne, Councillor Kyle Robinson-Payne
Scroggie, Councillor Alex Scroggie
Smith, Councillor Martin Smith
Smith, Councillor Sam Smith
Strong, Councillor Ruth Strong
Towsey-Hinton, Councillor Clive Towsey-Hinton
Walker, Councillor Jane Walker
Welsh, Councillor Michelle Welsh
Wheeler, Councillor Henry Wheeler
Whiting, Councillor Russell Whiting
Wilkinson, Councillor Paul Wilkinson
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period