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Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Application no. 2023/0508 - 53 Front Street, Arnold'
Councillor Andrew Ellwood
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Catherine Pope
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor David Ellis
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Grahame Pope
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Helen Greensmith
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Henry Wheeler
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Jane Walker
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Lynda Pearson
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Paul Wilkinson
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Rachael Ellis
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Ron McCrossen
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Roy Allan
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Ruth Strong
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Sam Smith
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Councillor Stuart Bestwick
- Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.
Des Gibbons - Non Pecuniary - Gedling Borough Council owned part of the land.