Issue details

Additional Restrictions Grant – Business Support Scheme 2021/22

The purpose of this report is:
1)To seek approval to implement the Additional Restrictions Grant scheme in accordance with the latest government guidance;
2)To adopt the local scheme known as the Gedling Borough Council Additional Restrictions Grant - Business Support Scheme 2021/22 to act as guidance for the administration of the approved grants;
3)To delegate, to the Director responsible for Revenues Services, the authority to determine grant eligibility, in accordance with the Government’s guidance and the Council’s Additional Restrictions Grant – Business Support Scheme 2021/22.
4)To delegate, to the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Reputation, the authority to determine grant eligibility and award value, in cases where it is considered that there are exceptional reasons to provide support for organisations, which are not specified as qualifying businesses within the Additional Restrictions Grant – Business Support Scheme 2021/22, but which provide key benefit to the local economy of the Borough of Gedling.
5)To establish the budget to allow the payment of the grants.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/07/2021

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
The decision is time critical in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

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