
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers, or the Executive decisions page for information on past decisions that have been taken by Executive officers

Decisions published

12/04/2024 - Southwell Scouts Bike/Hike Orienteering activities at Gedling Country Park ref: 1524    Recommendations Approved

To give permission for Southwell Scouts to run orienteering activities at Gedling Country Park on 17th and 18th July from 18:45pm until 20:45pm.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment Communities and Leisure

Decision published: 12/04/2024

Effective from: 12/04/2024


That the Scouts be given permission to run their orienteering activities at Gedling Country Park as outlined on the above dates and times.
This decision is dependent on correct insurance, risk assessment and the issue of a user licence agreement indemnifying Gedling Borough Council in the event of accidents for any activities held on the park.

Lead officer: Jane Richardson

08/04/2024 - Alice in Wonderland event at Bestwood Country Park – white rabbit trail ref: 1522    Recommendations Approved

To give permission for the Jolly Gardener to run a Alice in Wonderland trail in the woodland area adjacent to the Bestwood Lodge Hotel at Bestwood Country Park on 6th May from 12pm midday until 4pm. Set up from 9am and take down by 7pm.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment Communities and Leisure

Decision published: 08/04/2024

Effective from: 08/04/2024


That the Jolly Gardener to go ahead with their Halloween event as outlined on the above dates and times. Attendance, est. 1000.
This decision is dependent on correct insurance and signing a user licence agreement indemnifying Gedling Borough Council in the event of accident for any activities held on the recreation ground and to ensure the land is reinstated should any damage occur whilst accessing and exiting the site.

Lead officer: Jane Richardson

02/04/2024 - Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust Pop Up Information Stand ref: 1521    Recommendations Approved

To give permission for Notts Wildlife Trust to set up an information stand at Gedling Country Park on 22nd, 23rd and Bank Holiday Monday 27th May from 10am until 4pm with 30 minutes prior to set up and 30 mins after to dismantle.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment Communities and Leisure

Decision published: 02/04/2024

Effective from: 02/04/2024


That the information stand be allowed to be set up at Gedling Country Park as outlined on the above dates and times.
This decision is dependent on correct insurance and the issue of a user licence agreement indemnifying Gedling Borough Council in the event of accidents for any activities held on the park.

Lead officer: Jane Richardson