
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

03/10/2024 - Off Street Parking Places Order ref: 1562    For Determination

To seek approval to commence the statutory procedure to consult on amendments to the Council’s current Civil Enforcement Off Street Parking Places Order 2020 which include charging for parking at Gedling Country Park and to permit electronic payments across the borough’s car parks.

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision published: 03/10/2024

Effective from: 03/10/2024


1.Approval is given to commence the statutory procedure to consult on amendments to the Gedling Borough Council (Civil Enforcement Off Street Parking Places) Order 2020 in order to:
1a. Introduce parking charges at Gedling Country Park
1b. Introduce a cashless payment option across Gedling Borough Council’s Car Parks.

Lead officer: Emma Wimble

01/10/2024 - Approval of UKSPF Sports Facility Fund Grant Allocations 2024/25 ref: 1550    For Determination

To request approval on the proposed financial allocations to local sport and physical activity projects, from the UKSPF Sports Facilities Fund and the establishment of relevant community grant agreements.

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing

Decision published: 01/10/2024

Effective from: 01/10/2024


1.The Portfolio Holder for Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing approves the proposed financial allocations to local sport and physical activity projects from the UKSPF Sports Facilities Fund.
2.The portfolio Holder for Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing approves the establishment of community grant agreements with Mellish Rugby Club, Paviors Rugby Club and Calverton Miners Welfare Football Club.
It is proposed that the Portfolio Holder for Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing approves the allocations of the Sports Facilities Fund Grants (in relation to the capital budget) set out below:
1. Arnold Leisure Centre: Plant room improvements- Total project cost £27,556 - Proposed amount from UKSPF £26,119
2. Mellish Rugby Club: 2nd pitch floodlighting - Total project cost£34,683.35 - Proposed amount from UKSPF£31,500
3. Paviors Rugby Club: Borehole and portable floodlights - Total project cost£43,150 - Proposed amount from UKSPF £31,500
4. Calverton Miners Welfare Football Club: 3G pitch project - Total project cost£889,102.29 - Proposed amount from UKSPF £100,000
All projects have secured or are in the process of securing match funding to make up the shortfall.
It is proposed that the Portfolio Holder for Lifestyles Health and Wellbeing approves the establishment of community grant agreements with Mellish Rugby Club, Paviors Rugby Club and Calverton Miners Welfare Football Club.
Further information on each project is included in appendix 2

Lead officer: Fiona Hextall

01/10/2024 - Extension of the relocation of Arnold Market Stalls on a temporary basis ref: 1534    For Determination

To seek approval to extend the current agreement for a temporary market at Eagle Square to enable the Council to undertake a full review of the future permanent location of Arnold Town.

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth and Economy

Decision published: 01/10/2024

Effective from: 01/10/2024


To enable Gedling Borough Council to seek opinions from traders, businesses, residents and other stake holders relating to the permanent relocation of Arnold Market to Eagle Square.
To ensure the continued prosperity of the wider town centre of Arnold.
To provide the Arnold Market Traders with a consistent and permanent marketplace to trade from.

Lead officer: Ophelia Gamble

24/09/2024 - Nottinghamshire Orienteering Club – Orienteering training ref: 1561    Recommendations Approved

To give approval for Notts Orienteering Club to run their orienteering event at Burntstump Country Park on 14th December from 10:30am until 12:30pm. Set up time from 9:30. Take down by 1:30pm.

Decision Maker: Director of Operations

Decision published: 24/09/2024

Effective from: 24/09/2024


That the Orienteering event be permitted to go ahead at Burntstump Country Park as outlined on the above date and times. Attendance, est. 10-15 participants
This decision is dependent on correct insurance and the issue of a user licence agreement indemnifying Gedling Borough Council in the event of accidents for any activities held on the park.

Lead officer: Jane Richardson

24/09/2024 - Transfer of Section 106 Developer Contributions for Open Space Development Projects ref: 1549    For Determination

The purpose of this report is:
1.To seek approval to transfer the open space off-site contributions collected as Section 106 Developer Contributions to Calverton Parish Council to expend on capital projects which meet the requirements of the Section 106 Agreements;
2.To establish by virement the capital programme budgets for the delivery of open space development projects by the Parish Council, to be funded by Section 106 Developer contributions.

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision published: 24/09/2024

Effective from: 24/09/2024


To approve:
1)the transfer of the Open Spaces Contribution up to £49,911.53, from the Section 106 Agreement dated 12th November 2020 in relation to the Planning Permission 2017/1263 Land Adj Dark Lane, Calverton, to Calverton Parish Council to be spent in accordance with Schedule 6 of the above Section 106 Agreement.
2)the transfer of the Open Spaces Contribution up to £13,494.77, from the Section 106 Agreement dated 11th June 2021 in relation to the Planning Permission 2018/0817 Car Park, North Green, Calverton, to Calverton Parish Council to be spent in accordance with Schedule 2 of the above Section 106 Agreement.
3)the establishment, by virement, of the capital programme budgets for delivery of open space development projects to be funded by S106 developer contributions as detailed in recommendations 1 and 2.

Lead officer: Lewis Widdowson

24/09/2024 - Response to Government consultation - proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework ref: 1559    For Determination

To gain portfolio holder endorsement of Gedling Borough Council’s proposed response contained in Appendix 1 to the Government consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework. The consultation response is required to be submitted by 24th September 2024.

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth and Economy

Decision published: 24/09/2024

Effective from: 24/09/2024


That the Portfolio Holder approves the proposed response to the consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework – as set out under the relevant questions reproduced in Appendix 1.

Lead officer: Jo Gray

23/09/2024 - Friends of KGV Standhill Park Halloween Trail ref: 1560    Recommendations Approved

To give approval for the Friends of KGV Standhill Park to hold their Halloween Trail on KGV Standhill Park on 31st October between 4 and 6pm. Set up event from 2pm and take down event by 7pm.

Decision Maker: Director of Operations

Decision published: 23/09/2024

Effective from: 23/09/2024


That the Friends of KGV Standhill Road be permitted to go ahead with their Halloween Event as outlined on the above date and times. Attendance, est. 75.
This decision is dependent on correct insurance and event risk assessment and will require the issue of a lease indemnifying Gedling Borough Council in the event of accident for any activities held on the recreation ground and to ensure the land is reinstated should any damage occur whilst accessing and exiting the site.

Lead officer: Jane Richardson