Issue - decisions

Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement 2014/15

04/02/2014 - Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement 2014/15

Corporate Director Mark Kimberley presented a report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, giving information about the finance settlement for the next financial year.




1)    Note the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement;


2)    Approve in principle the payment of £28,400 grant funding to the Parish Councils to offset the taxbase reductions following implementation of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme as detailed in paragraph 2.1.5 of the report;


3)    Approve a 3% income inflation increase for the individual portfolios as shown in the table at paragraph 2.3 of the report; and


4)    Approve the draft letter attached at Appendix B to the report for circulation to a selection of Business Ratepayers.