Issue - decisions

Temporary Accommodation Rental Charge Review

08/10/2024 - Temporary Accommodation Rental Charge Review

That the Portfolio holder:
a)Agrees to standardise the rent levels charged for all Council owned and leased temporary accommodation from the 1 April 2024 to ensure a consistent approach and methodology to rental charges for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom properties.
b)Agrees that the weekly rent level charged should be set by applying the relevant Local Housing Allowance rate as of 1 April 2024.
c)Agrees to introduce a weekly maintenance service charge of £10.00 per week for all Council owned and leased accommodation.
d)Agrees that 4 weeks’ notice is given in writing to current tenants informing them of the new rent levels.
e)Agrees that all new tenants placed in temporary accommodation are charged the new rental levels immediately.
f)Reconfirms that households that are not entitled to or do not claim Housing Benefit (HB) when placed in bed and breakfast accommodation or other nightly charged accommodation, are automatically charged a weekly rent of £98.08.
g)Reconfirms where the household does not receive the full entitlement of HB, a weekly rent amounting to the difference in their HB entitlement and the full rent of £98.08 is administered.