Issue - decisions

Proposals for distribution of ‘Giving For Gedling’ and ‘Feeding Gedling’ Funding balances and other external funding received by the Council to support community resilience.

23/06/2021 - Proposals for distribution of ‘Giving For Gedling’ and ‘Feeding Gedling’ Funding balances and other external funding received by the Council to support community resilience.

THAT: T he Portfolio Holder for Community Development
1) Approves the distribution plan for Gedling Borough Council’s ‘Giving For Gedling’ and ‘Feeding Gedling’ fundraising balances, Department for Environment, Food Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Covid-19 Clinically Extremely Vulnerable ( CEV )/ Vulnerable People (VP) support allocation and remaining Social Prescribing Reducing Isolation In Gedling ( SPRIING ) Pilot budget, as detailed in this report 2) Delegates authority to the Director responsible for Communities and Leisure to apportion the funding between local Community Hubs and community based services as detailed in this report.