Issue - decisions

Change to Council Services due to change to Tier 4

04/01/2021 - Change to Council Services due to change to Tier 4

THAT the Leader of the Council:

1)   Authorises the temporary closure of the Council’s Leisure Centres from 31 December 2020, save for the use of any of the centres for school activities as detailed in the report.

2)   Delegates authority to the Director responsible for Arnold Market to agree any necessary restrictions on the operation of Arnold Market to ensure compliance with the Regulations as detailed in this report.

3)   Delegates authority to the relevant Director in consultation with the Leader of the Council to reopen the facilities closed as a result of the Regulations, once permitted by further regulation.

4)   Delegates authority to the Director responsible for Leisure Services to take all necessary operational decisions and measures to facilitate the closure of Leisure facilities.

5)   Delegates authority to the relevant Director in consultation with the Leader of the Council to take all operational decisions and measures in relation to Council facilities, including the future closure and reopening of such facilitates, as required to comply with any future Covid-19 regulations.