Issue - decisions

Community Infrastructure Levy - Consultation on Draft Charging Schedules

12/09/2013 - Community Infrastructure Levy - Consultation on Draft Charging Schedules

1. That the Draft Charging Schedule and Regulation 123 List together with the supporting documentation be published for a period of six weeks to allow for public representations and sent to each of the consultation bodies.


2. That the Statement of the Representations Procedure be approved.


3. That the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Development be authorised to consider the representations received and be approve any changes the Council would propose to make in light of those representations.


4. That the Draft Charging Schedule, Regulation 123 List, supporting documentation and representations received together with the changes the Council would propose to make in light of those representations will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination.


5. That the cost of the examination will be met from the Efficiency and Innovation Reserve.