Issue - decisions

Quarterly Budget Monitoring, Performance Digest and Virement Report

08/08/2013 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring, Performance Digest and Virement Report

Alison Ball, Service Manager for Finance, presented a report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, detailing the Council’s financial position at the end of the 1st quarter of the financial year. Corporate Director Stephen Bray highlighted key achievements in terms of performance.




1)    To approve the changes to Performance Indicator and Action targets as detailed in paragraph 2.1.7 of the report, as an amendment to the agreed Council Plan;

2)    To approve the General Fund Revenue Budget virements included within Appendix 1 to the report;


3)    To approve the additions to the Capital Programme as virements funded from external grant funding:


·         Additional Disabled Facilities Grant                                                    £4,700

·         Additional Arnold Leisure Centre Refurbishment Lottery Grant         £42,000

·         Additional Fuel Poverty/Green Deal Grant                                          £10,800


4)    Refer to Council for approval the following amendments to the capital programme:

·         A supplementary estimate of £74,100 for Civic Centre Alterations

·         The removal of the Office Accommodation Joint Working Scheme (£450,000)

·         The removal of the  Affordable Housing Scheme (£139,000) which was completed ahead of schedule in 2012/13;


5)    To include details of budget and performance monitoring in a quarterly performance digest, to be published on the Council’s website and Intranet in line with the recommendations of Performance Review Scrutiny Committee.