Committee details

Joint Consultative and Safety Committee

Purpose of committee

Responsible for:

i) Providing a forum for discussion and consultation between the Council and Trade Union representatives on matters affecting the Council’s employees. Such matters to include but not limited to:

1. Employee terms and conditions

2. Employee health and well-being.



1. To receive proposals and make recommendations to the Appointments and Conditions of Service Committee in relation to the terms and conditions of Council employees and procedures for disciplinary action and dismissal.

2. To receive proposals and make recommendations to the Head of Paid Service in respect of his proposals for significant change to:


(a) the manner in which the discharge by the authority of their different functions is co-ordinated;

(b) the number and grades of staff required by the authority for the discharge of their functions;

(c) the organisation of the authority’s staff.

3. To be consulted on and make recommendations to the Executive in respect of any health and safety functions of the Council to the extent that those functions are discharged in the authority's capacity as an employer.



Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services. Email:

Postal address:
Civic Centre
Arnot Hill Park

Phone: 0115 901 3844


Web site: