Committee details

Appeals and Retirements Committee

Purpose of committee

Responsible for:

i) All non-executive functions of the Council with regard to pension issues.


ii) All non-executive functions of the Council with regard to determining discretionary payments under local policies in respect of dismissals due to reason of redundancy or efficiency of service.


iii) Appeals and disciplinary matters where approved policies and procedures provide for appeal to or consideration by a Committee.



1. To determine appeals from Chief Officers against decisions taken under the Council’s Disciplinary Procedures including the decision to dismiss.

2. To determine appeals from employees employed under the NJC for Local Authority Services against any decision to dismiss.


3. Consideration of issues arising from Pension Act reviews where these involve the exercise of discretion.

4. To authorise release of pension in all cases of early retirement, other than ill health retirement, subject to the Council's policy on early retirement and to consideration of a fully costed report in each case.


5. To determine and authorise release of any discretionary payments allowed by local policy in respect of dismissals due to reason of redundancy or efficiency of service, whether or not associated with early retirement, and subject to the Council’s policy and to consideration of a fully costed report in each case.


6. To consider all issues concerning the Local Government Pension Scheme and sick pay within the terms of the approved policy.

7. To consider extensions to the Council's sick pay scheme in individual cases in accordance with the approved policy.


Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services. Email:

Postal address:
Civic Centre
Arnot Hill Park

Phone: 0115 901 3844
