Agenda item

Application No. 2019/0003 - 292 Spring Lane, Lambley, NG4 4PE


Change of use from Office (B1) to Residential (C3) and side extension of less than 50% of the existing floor area.


Councillor Wilkinson left the meeting.




GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the following conditions:




1.         The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.



2.         This permission shall be read in accordance with the details within the Application Form, the OS Location Plan and following Drawings 1898-01 "Site Plan", 1989-02 "Existing Floor Plan", 1898-03 "Existing Elevations", 1898-04 "Proposed Floor Plan" and 1898-05 "Proposed Elevations" submitted on the 3rd January 2019 and the email dated 15th February 2019 received from the applicant / agent confirming the description of works. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these details.



3.         No works permitted under Class A, B, C, D or E of Part 1 Schedule 2 of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or in any provision equivalent to that Class in any Statutory Instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order) shall be undertaken without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority.



4.         Prior to commencement of any external works, details of the Electric Vehicle charging point to be provided at the hereby approved dwelling, to include the location and specification shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of the development.





1.         In order to comply with Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.         For the avoidance of doubt and to define the terms of this permission.


3.         To ensure any future development does not impact on the openness of the Green Belt or the reasons for including land within it, in accordance with the aims of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019) Policy 3 of the Aligned Core Strategy (2014) and Policies 12 and 13 of the Local Planning Document (2018).


4.         To ensure the development is constructed in an appropriate sustainable manner which takes into consideration air quality with in the Borough, and takes into consideration policy LPD11 of the Councils Local Plan.


Reasons for Decision


In the opinion of the Borough Council the proposed development would not cause harm to the openness of the Green Belt, is visually acceptable, results in no significant impact on the amenity of neighbouring residential properties and would not have any adverse impacts on Highway Safety. The development therefore accords with the objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies A, 3, 8 and 10 of the Aligned Core Strategy, and Policies LPD 11, 12, 13, 32, 57 and 61 of the Local Planning Document.


Notes to Applicant


Planning Statement - The Borough Council has worked positively and proactively with the applicant in accordance with paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2018). During the processing of the application there were considered to be no problems for which the Local Planning Authority had to seek a solution in relation to this application.


The proposed development lies within a coal mining area which may contain unrecorded coal mining related hazards. If any coal mining feature is encountered during development, this should be reported immediately to The Coal Authority on 0845 762   6848. Further information is also available on The Coal Authority website at specific summary information on past, current and future coal mining activity can be obtained from The Coal Authority's Property Search Service on 0845 762 6848 or at


The applicant is advised that all planning permissions granted on or after 16th October 2015 may be subject to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Full details of CIL are available on the Council's website. The proposed development has been assessed and it is the Council's view that CIL IS PAYABLE on the development hereby approved as is detailed below.  Full details about the CIL Charge including, amount and process for payment will be set out in the Regulation 65 Liability Notice which will be sent to you as soon as possible after this decision notice has been issued.  If the development hereby approved is for a self-build dwelling, residential extension or residential annex you may be able to apply for relief from CIL.  Further details about CIL are available on the Council's website or from the Planning Portal:


Supporting documents: