Agenda item

To consider motions under Standing Order 12.

This Council


1)    Notes the conclusion of the Home Affairs Select Committee that “Policing is struggling to cope in the face of changing and rising crimes” and its recommendation that policing funding should be prioritised in the Budget and forthcoming spending review.


2)    Notes that since 2010, police numbers have fallen significantly both nationally and locally as a result of Government cuts.


3)    Notes that cuts to other services through austerity increases the demand on the police which often acts as the “public service of last resort”


4)    Recognises that many residents in Gedling are concerned that the cuts mean that Nottinghamshire Police is no longer visible in our communities, no longer has the capacity to respond on community safety, and that consequently the fear of crime is rising.


5)    Endorses the Council’s policy of working in partnership with the police to respond to community safety concerns.


6)    Condemns the Conservative Government’s continuing policy of reducing the resources available to the police and transferring the cost to the Council taxpayer which is particularly unfair on more disadvantaged areas such as Nottinghamshire.


7)    Agrees that all members of the Council should be invited to sign the letter being sent by the Leader of the Council, alongside Nottinghamshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, to the Home Secretary calling on the Conservative Government to use the police grant announcement for 2019/20 to begin to reverse the damaging cuts to Policing in Nottinghamshire and make an immediate investment in making our communities safer.


Proposer: Councillor David Ellis


Seconder: Councillor Michael Payne


Upon a notice of motion received in the name of Councillor D Ellis, a proposition was moved by Councillor D Ellis and seconded by Councillor Payne in the following terms:


The Council


1)        Notes the conclusion of the Home Affairs Select Committee that “Policing is struggling to cope in the face of changing and rising crimes” and its recommendation that policing funding should be prioritised in the Budget and forthcoming spending review.


2)    Notes that since 2010, police numbers have fallen significantly both nationally and locally as a result of Government cuts.


3)    Notes that cuts to other services through austerity increases the demand on the police which often acts as the “public service of last resort”


4)    Recognises that many residents in Gedling are concerned that the cuts mean that Nottinghamshire Police is no longer visible in our communities, no longer has the capacity to respond on community safety, and that consequently the fear of crime is rising.


5)    Endorses the Council’s policy of working in partnership with the police to respond to community safety concerns.


6)    Condemns the Conservative Government’s continuing policy of reducing the resources available to the police and transferring the cost to the Council taxpayer which is particularly unfair on more disadvantaged areas such as Nottinghamshire.


7)    Agrees that all members of the Council should be invited to sign the letter being sent by the Leader of the Council, alongside Nottinghamshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, to the Home Secretary calling on the Conservative Government to use the police grant announcement for 2019/20 to begin to reverse the damaging cuts to Policing in Nottinghamshire and make an immediate investment in making our communities safer.


An amendment to the motion was proposed in the name of Councillor Barnfather and seconded by Councillor Doyle in the following terms:


The Council


1)          Notes the conclusion of the Home Affairs Select Committee that “Policing is struggling to cope in the face of changing and rising crimes” and its recommendation that policing funding should be prioritised in the Budget and forthcoming spending review.


2)        Notes that since 2010, police numbers have fallen significantly both nationally and locally as a result of Governments austerity measures.


3)    Notes that cuts to other services through austerity increases the demand on the police which often acts as the “public service of last resort”


4)    Recognises that many residents in Gedling are concerned that Nottinghamshire Police is no longer visible in our communities, no longer has the capacity to respond on community safety, and that consequently the fear of crime is rising.


5)    Endorses the Council’s policy of working in partnership with the police to respond to community safety concerns.


6)     Disagrees with the Government’s continuing policy of reducing the resources available to the police and transferring the cost to the Council taxpayer which is particularly unfair on more disadvantaged areas such as Nottinghamshire.


7)     Agrees that all members of the Council should support a letter being sent by the Leader of the Council, alongside Nottinghamshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, to the Home Secretary calling on the Government to use the police grant announcement for 2019/20 to increase funding for Policing in Nottinghamshire and make an immediate investment in making our communities safer.


The Council meeting was adjourned at 7.10 pm to allow discussion of the amendment.  The meeting reconvened at 7.25pm.


The amendment was put to a vote as follows:


Vote:  15 For, 19 Against, 0 Abstentions.


The Mayor declared the amendment lost.


There then followed a debate on the substantive motion and the proposition was put to a named vote as follows


For the substantive motion


Councillors P Barnes, S Barnes, Brooks, Clarke, Collis, Creamer, D Ellis, R Ellis, Ellwood, Feeney, Fox, Gregory, Hewson, Lawrence, Miller, Paling, Payne, Scroggie, Weisz, Wheeler, Wilkinson.


Against the motion:


Councillors: Adams, Barnfather, Bexon, Bisset, Doyle, Elliott, Greensmith, Parr, Pepper, Poole, Powell, Stirland and Walker.


Abstentions 0


The Mayor declared the motion carried and it was




The Council


1)    Notes the conclusion of the Home Affairs Select Committee that “Policing is struggling to cope in the face of changing and rising crimes” and its recommendation that policing funding should be prioritised in the Budget and forthcoming spending review.


2)    Notes that since 2010, police numbers have fallen significantly both nationally and locally as a result of Government cuts.


3)    Notes that cuts to other services through austerity increases the demand on the police which often acts as the “public service of last resort”


4)    Recognises that many residents in Gedling are concerned that the cuts mean that Nottinghamshire Police is no longer visible in our communities, no longer has the capacity to respond on community safety, and that consequently the fear of crime is rising.


5)    Endorses the Council’s policy of working in partnership with the police to respond to community safety concerns.


6)    Condemns the Conservative Government’s continuing policy of reducing the resources available to the police and transferring the cost to the Council taxpayer which is particularly unfair on more disadvantaged areas such as Nottinghamshire.


7)    Agrees that all members of the Council should be invited to sign the letter being sent by the Leader of the Council, alongside Nottinghamshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, to the Home Secretary calling on the Conservative Government to use the police grant announcement for 2019/20 to begin to reverse the damaging cuts to Policing in Nottinghamshire and make an immediate investment in making our communities safer.