Agenda item

Gedling Plan 2016-19 (including General Fund Revenue Budget)

Report of the Senior Leadership Team on behalf of the Leader of the Council.


The Chief Executive introduced the Gedling Plan for 2016-19 and summarised a number of key points from the proposed 2017/18 general fund budget.




1)    Approve a 3% income inflation increase for individual portfolios as shown in the table at paragraph 3.6.5 of the report;


2)    Recommend to Council


a)    That the financial threshold above which decisions will be regarded as Key Decisions be set at £0.5m for 2017/18;


b)    A Council Tax increase of £5 which balances the financing of a Net Council Tax Requirement of £5,738,900 in 2017/18;


c)    That the Gedling Plan and the detailed budget for 2017/18, as detailed in Appendices 1 and 3 to the report be approved;


d)    The future cumulative efficiency target of £1.9m with the following annual ongoing targets:  2018/19 £500,000; 2019/20 £700,000; 2020/21 £700,000; and to instruct officers to develop delivery plans for the 2018/19 budget process.


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