Agenda item

Application No. 2016/0788- Gedling Country Park, Spring Lane, Gedling, Nottinghamshire.


Erection of Visitors Centre for Country Park (sui generis) comprising Cafe and WC building; associated landscaping and external works; new paths; foul and surface water drainage provision; site lighting; external air source heat pump condenser compound; and removal of trees. Creation of 36 space car parking and 2 space coach parking and turning, retention of existing 64 space car parks.


Jayne Green, a neighbouring resident, spoke in objection to the proposed development.




To grant planning permission subject to the following conditions:


1.         The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.


2.         The development herby approved shall be completed strictly in accordance with the plans and application forms received on 5th July 2016, document no's: Design and Access Statement (First Issue 05/07/2016); Arboricultural Assessment (July 2016); Ecological Appraisal (July 2016); Non-residential Mining Report (51001175308001); Transport Assessment (TPLE61348); Proposed Site Plan (3100_12_rev C); Block Plan (3100_11_rev C); Site location drawing (3100_10_rev C); Proposed Views (3100_16); Proposed Elevations (3100_15_rev B); Proposed Site Sections (3100_13_rev A); Landscape Strategy (1016 001) and Proposed Plans (3100_14_rev C).


3.         Before development is commenced there shall be submitted to and approved by the Borough Council a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan which incorporates detailed landscape design proposals including details of planting and species types, tree protection measures and plans to show any changes to existing levels.  Measures to be taken for wildlife protection and habitat enhancement should also be incorporated into the Plan such as precautionary methods of working in relation to reptiles, and a pre-commencement walkover to confirm that the site remains free of badger activity.  The Landscape Scheme should include species mixes, establishment methods and maintenance regimes with the use of native species of tree and shrub as well as wildflower seed mixes and wetland planting. A Habitat Creation Strategy should detail the salvage and temporary stockpile of the top 100mm of low-nutrient, seed-bearing substrate in all areas to be affected by the development that currently support semi-improved grassland. The creation of a south-facing 'butterfly bank' using surplus soils, topped with substrate, along the northern side of the new car parking to provide replacement dingy skipper habitat.  Once approved the scheme shall be implemented strictly in accordance with the approved details.



4.         Before development is commenced precise details of any external lighting including proposed hours of use shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Borough Council. The lighting scheme should accord with the recommendations made in section 4.14 of the Ecological Appraisal and the Bat Conservation Trust's 2014 publication 'Artificial Lighting and wildlife - Interim Guidance: Recommendations to help minimise the impact of artificial lighting. Once approved the lighting scheme shall then be installed and operated in accordance with the approved details at all times.


5.         Notwithstanding the submitted details, before development is commenced a Transport Assessment showing the potential increase in vehicle generation at the junction to the Country Park shall be submitted to the Borough Council. The data should form the base-line when assessing the likely implications associated with the development.


6.         Following the submission of the Transport Assessment required by condition 5, should the Highway Authority require mitigation measures, an improvements plan at the junction from Spring Lane to the Country Park shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Borough Council. The improvements plan shall be implemented strictly in accordance with the approved details prior to the development being first brought into use and shall be retained as such for the life of the development.


7.         In order to mitigate any potential ground gases the development should incorporate the installation of a gas / vapour protection membrane. The membrane should be installed by a suitably qualified person (i.e. NVQ level 2 Diploma in Sub-structure Work Occupations (Construction) - Installed of Gas Membranes, or equivalent), and the installation is inspected by a suitably qualified third party, before any floor finish is placed. A verification report should be submitted to the Council based on the Council's gas membrane proforma (available on request) including photographic evidence. The Verification Report should be submitted to the Borough Council for approval prior to the proposed building first being occupied.


8.         Before development is commenced a surface water drainage scheme for the site, based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydro geological context of the development to prevent the increased risk of flooding, to improve and protect water quality, improve habitat and amenity, and ensure future maintenance of the surface water features shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall then be completed strictly in accordance with the approved scheme.




1.         In order to comply with Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.         For the avoidance of doubt.


3.         To ensure the provision of ecological enhancements to enhance biodiversity, in accordance with the aims of Section 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy 17 of the Aligned Core Strategy for Gedling Borough (September 2014).


4.         To ensure there is no adverse impacts on the local bat population as a result of the Visitor Centre in line with paragraph 118 of the National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012).


5.         In the interests of highway safety.


6.         In the interests of highway safety.


7.         In order to safeguard against the potential risks from ground conditions in accordance with ENV3 of the Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved 2014).


8.         To ensure a satisfactory development in accordance with the aims of Policy ENV1 of the Gedling Borough Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved 2014).


Reasons for Decision


In the opinion of the Borough Council the proposed development is in accordance with the fundamental aims of National Planning Policy Framework, the Gedling Borough Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved 2008), and the Aligned Core Strategy.


Notes to Applicant


The applicant is advised that all planning permissions granted on or after 16th October 2015 may be subject to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Full details of CIL are available on the Council's website. The proposed development has been assessed and it is the Council's view that CIL is not payable on the development hereby approved as the development type proposed is zero rated in this location.


In assessing this application, officers have worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner consistent with the requirements of paragraphs 186-187 of the NPPF. This included seeking additional information in order to assess the application and its impacts. Further information was sought with regards to the Transport Assessment that was submitted in support of the application.

Supporting documents: