Agenda item

Council Plan 2015/16: Overview of Quarter 3 Performance Monitoring.

Report of the Director of Organisational Development and Democratic Services.


The Director of Organisational Development Helen Barrington provided an overview of Quarter 3 2015/16 performance which had been presented to Cabinet on 18 February.


Just over half (16) of the 28 performance indicators that are appropriate for quarterly monitoring were on target. Of the remainder 3 were amber and 10 were red. These 10 indicators are anticipated to be behind target at the year end.  Members were updated on the reasons for indicators not being met despite management action.

(a)             Number of fly tipping incidents reported to Gedling Borough Council

There has been a significant rise in the number of fly-tipping incidents this year, despite successful enforcement operations leading to well publicised prosecutions. It is increasingly difficult to stop fly tipping. There has been an increase in the removal of fly tips including one successful prosecution but it is not sustainable for the Council to continue to remove an ever increasing number.


(b)             Number of visits to leisure centres

Councillor Wheeler had already discussed this indicator earlier in the meeting.


(c)             Preventing homelessness – number of households who considered themselves as homeless, who approached the Council, and for whom housing advice resolved their situation

              Information to be provided at the April committee.


(d)             Average time to process homeless applications (number of working days)

              Information to be provided at the April committee.


(e)Net additional homes provided


(f)              Number of affordable homes delivered (gross)


(g)             Percentage of minor planning applications processed within 8 weeks


(h)         Percentage of other planning applications within 8 weeks

              Information to be requested from the Portfolio Holder for Growth and Regeneration, who will be attending the April committee meeting.


(i)          Residual household waste per household in Kg

The indicator is currently on target but expected to miss target at the end of the year.  The envisaged increase in the collection of garden waste next year should reduce the amount of residual bin waste.


A discussion followed regarding how the authority should encourage recycling companies to collect and recycle more recyclable waste, for example cartons. They were informed that the contract for the disposal of waste is the responsibility of the County Council and is currently with Viola who do not have the facility for recycling cartons.  Members asked when the contract was due for renewal and felt this should be considered when it was retendered.


(j)           Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting

               This is a stretching target and will not be hit in the current year. The increase in the customer base for the garden waste collection should help increase the amount of waste sent for composting next year.

                 Members agreed that these two indicators should be discussed when the Portfolio Holder for Environment attends the committee.




·         Note the Quarter 3 performance information


·         Request information regarding the recycling contract


·         Request additional information regarding a number of indicators to be available for the April meeting


·         Request information regarding indicators in the Environment Portfolio to be discussed when the Portfolio Holder attends the committee.



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