Agenda item

Progress Reports from Portfolio Holders.


Councillor Peter Barnes (Environment)


·         The free bulky waste collections were proving successful.


·         Fencing had been erected at Gedling Country Park to protect wild birds.


·         A food outlet was now situated on the Country Park.


·         Positive feedback had been received from residents about the recently sited grit bins around the Borough.


·         The tree surgery service was proving popular.



Councillor Jenny Hollingsworth (Growth and Regeneration)


·         An Apprenticeships Fair was being held at Arnold Methodist Church on 25 March, 3.30pm to 7pm.


·         The approved judgement on a second Judicial Review had been received and it was found that there was no error in law on the part of the Council and the claim was dismissed.



Councillor Kathryn Fox (Community Development)


·         A Chinese Lanterns and Dragons event was taking place on Saturday 20 February in the Civic Centre which would include a chill out zone for special needs children.


·         The Citizens Advice Bureau, based in the Civic Centre, has been able to assist 890 residents supported by Gedling Borough Council funding. 


·         Remaining balances on Members Pots will need to be spent by 8 March 2016.


·         A dragon made of recycled materials created by young people in Newstead is currently being displayed in the Civic Centre appeared at Nottingham Light Night on 5 February.


·         Christmas Fairs arranged by the Locality Co-ordinators had been successful and had provided information stalls.  Thanks were given to the Locality Officers.



Councillor Henry Wheeler (Housing, Health and Well-being)


·         The Bonington Theatre programme was successfully expanding.


·         An approach had been made by Harrogate Borough Council who intend to use Gedling Borough’s Loneliness Plan as best practice.


·         All Gedling Borough Leisure Centres had been approved as being breast feeding friendly.


·         Age UK were in the process of appointing a Men In Sheds Co-ordinator.


·         Members were reminded to attend training on Dementia Awareness which was taking place on 15th March and 4th April at 5pm in the Civic Centre.


·         The Obesity Prevention Service had a high take up of clients around Killisick and Netherfield.


·         DNA membership had increased.



·         A meeting had been arranged to evaluate the impact of loss of support to the homelessness service.


·         The Youth Council would be undertaking an election in March 2016 with more schools being involved, including Derrymount.




Councillor Michael Payne (Resources and Reputation)


·         Thanks were given to officers from the Legal and Planning Services for their work on the Judicial Review.


·         Gedling Homes were currently operating a reduced counter service at the Civic Centre which would close permanently on 31 March 2016. 


·         CPI compliance had been retained which will allow electronic payments to be taken and will be rolled out in due course.


·         There had been a reduction in sickness absence figures which were now well below target.  Thanks were given officers in the HR team.



Councillor David Ellis (Public Protection)


·         Community safety figures showed that there was a downward trend in ASB crime in the Borough and that Gedling were currently the best performing district in Nottinghamshire.


·         There had been some changes to taxi licensing arrangements and a lot of work had been carried out to introduce a taxi improvement plan in order to improve the professionalism of the service.


·         Members were reminded to attend the Prevent:  Awareness Session on Friday 12 February.


·         A food premises owner in Calverton was recently fined for repeated poor hygiene practices.