Agenda item

Scrutiny Work Programme 2015/2016




Scrutiny reviews 2014/2015


Members were informed about the 2014/15 programme of scrutiny reviews and that the recommendations arising from the Reducing Unemployment in the Borough review were all accepted or partly accepted and a progress report on the implementation of the recommendations would be available at the February meeting.  The report and recommendations arising from the Transport Links to, and within Gedling Borough was discussed and Members were advised that the recommendations would be submitted to Cabinet with relevant recommendations forwarded to appropriate organisations. A response to these recommendations would be requested for the October meeting.


Scrutiny at committee


The continuation of a programme of scrutiny of specific areas within individual Portfolios during the Overview and Scrutiny committee was discussed and agreed. Members were informed that the committee also had a duty to scrutinise Crime and Disorder issues and this would be included in the work programme.


Scrutiny in working groups


Members discussed and prioritised areas for in depth review for inclusion in the scrutiny work programme 2015/2016


Smoking and Obesity

Members considered this to be one of the areas to prioritise for review. They would like a wide ranging review which includes a range of health organisations including service commissioners, the Health and Wellbeing Board, Public Health, Leisure, Healthwatch and Planning.  They want to examine how life chances can be improved and how the Council is influencing the work of partners organisations. Members of the committee were invited to be part of this review and it was agreed that Cllr McCrossen would chair the review and Councillors Truscott, Doyle and Bisset would be included in the working group.  There would also be an invitation to non-scrutiny members to take part in the review.


Highway maintenance including the maintenance of trees on the highway.

Members were concerned about the condition of the roads, the repair of potholes and  trees encroaching on the highway causing problems for pedestrains and car users.  They considered this an issue for inclusion in the work programme and asked for an initial discussion with relevant officers regarding what can be done to prevent the problems caused by trees.  Cllr Feeney and Poole expressed an interest in sitting on the working group for this review.


The Bonington Theatre

Members considered that the Bonington Theatre may be an area for review. Prior to setting up a review they felt it would be useful to receive information to determine if this is something that they would like to examine in more detail. They specifically asked for information relating to use and attendance figures and requested that a written report be available for them to help them decide if they would like to include this in the work programme.


GP waiting times

Concern was raised by some Members about the availability and waiting time for GP appointments whilst other Members considered that this was not a problem.  They concluded that it would be beneficial to find out if this is an issue that affect the residents of Gedling and if some surgeries are able to provide appointments quickly why other are not able to.  This was agreed as an area for review.  Councillors Andrews, Gregory, Scroggie and Bisset and Greensmith have asked to be included in the working group.


Care of the elderly

Members were aware of the aging population in Gedling and wanted to know if the help and support currently available from both statutory and voluntary organisations is sufficient to meet the changing need of an aging population.  They were particularly concerned about housing needs and considered that this is an area where Gedling Homes should be involved.  Councillors Truscott and Scroggie would like to be included in the working group.


Members were asked for suggestions for other issues for inclusion in the work programme.  Information on the report of the Planning Advisory Service was requested.  As this report is still under discussion and will not be presented to Cabinet until September it was decided to invite the relevant officer to the October meeting to update Members on the progress of the report.





    I.        Note the responses to the Unemployment in the Borough Scrutiny Review and to request a six month update on progress of the accepted recommendations.


   II.        To agree the final report and recommendations of the Transport Links to, and within Gedling Borough and refer them to Cabinet, and other appropriate organisations requesting a response within 28 days.


 III.        Approve a 2015/16 rolling programme of Portfolio Holder attendance be implemented.


 IV.        To set up a review to examine Smoking and Obesity in the borough.


  V.        Schedule into the work programme a review of highways maintenance including issues from overgrown trees, to start with a report to committee to determine how best to focus the review.


 VI.        Request a written report regarding the use of the Bonington Theatre.


VII.        Include in the work programme a review into the care of the elderly in the borough.


VIII.        Receive information regarding the Planning Advisory Report at the October meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Supporting documents: