Agenda item

Programme of Portfolio Holder attendance

Report of the Democratic Services Manager.


Members welcomed Councillor Henry Wheeler, Portfolio Holder for Lifestyles, Health and Wellbeing to the meeting to examine his portfolio. Councillor Wheeler gave an update to members on some key happenings within his portfolio.


Councillor Wheeler delivered a presentation, answering questions received in advance of the meeting and updating Members on the various areas of responsibility within his portfolio. He gave the following updates:


Attendance across Gedling leisure centres had grown steady over the last few years and targets for 2023-2024 were surpassed by 93,000. It was noted that Annual attendance had been higher than the pre-Covid levels by 21,200. DNA and Swim School memberships had also surpassed pre-Covid levels.


The falls prevention programme delivered by qualified instructors in Gedling had been shortlisted in the Prevention category of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System Health and Care Awards 2023. It was noted that the programme had been running for over 12 months with participants noticing improvements in their strength, balance and social confidence.


Food clubs and pantries had been set up across the Borough to improve resident’s access to affordable nutritious food, whilst reducing food waste. Individuals and families could become a member of their local food club for £1 a year. The clubs and pantries operate at the following sites across the borough:


·       Calverton CORE Centre Food Pantry Club

·       Carlton Community Hub Food Club

·       Newstead Village Food Pantry

·       Netherfield Food Club

·       Arnold Methodist Church


In 2022, Killisick had been selected as one of four areas across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to deliver an NHSEi pilot project which aimed to promote healthy and happy communities. It was noted that engagement had led to co-produced interventions based on community feedback which included a breakfast club during school holidays, a friendship group reducing loneliness and social isolation and afterschool clubs which were sustained by the local community.


Councillor Wheeler reported that attendance at The Bonnington Theatre had exceeded the target set for 2023/24 with 47,500 attendances compared with 40,200 in 2022/23.


The Chair gave members the opportunity to ask questions of Councillor Wheeler’s portfolio.


Members asked whether the council recorded data on how often those with memberships had attended the leisure centres.


The Head of Leisure and Communities explained that although the Council did not record attendance data, it did record and monitor membership retention rates which provided an indication of how many active members there were for a given period of time.


Members queried the ways in which leisure centre attendees could provide feedback and asked whether the Gedling leisure app offered such a feature.


The Head of Leisure and Communities explained that although regular surveys are conducted to seek feedback, the app does not currently offer a feedback feature. It was noted however that the app received regular development and that such a feature could be considered.


Members queried the ways in which Gedling Borough Council (GBC) currently engaged in social prescribing initiatives, and what non-clinical services the council provided or supported that were accessible through those schemes.


Councillor wheeler explained that social prescribing is largely the work of the Communities and Leisure Service Area. It was noted that there were a range of physical activity options both within Leisure Centres and within the community that offer non-clinical support for people with health conditions. Leisure centres work with health professionals to raise awareness of activities which patients could be signposted to. The communities team facilitates and supports activities from falls prevention classes and green social prescribing, to walking groups across the Borough to which vulnerable people could access and be signposted to.


Members asked how GBC collaborates with the NHS and the voluntary sector, ensuring joint ownership and involvement in social prescribing programs. Councillor Wheeler was also asked to elaborate on the strategies GBC employs, ensuring that the voluntary sector had been adequately prepared to handle the anticipated increase in referrals resulting from Social Prescribing initiatives.


Councillor Wheeler explained that NHS Social Prescribing is commissioned by the local Primary Care Networks which form a part of the Integrated Care System (ICS) with strategic oversight being undertaken by the South Nottinghamshire Placed Based Partnership (PBP). The Council played a key role within the PBP over a four-year period developing the voluntary sector and community development support for social prescribing. It was noted that additional funding had been allocated by both the ICS through its Health Innovation Fund and by Public Health through its PBP fund to support the community development programme.


Members asked how soon the delivery of the Heartbeat scheme would resume.


The Head of Leisure and Communities informed members that recruitment to the role was ongoing and noted that there had been some challenges to recruit to the post.




To thank Councillor Wheeler for the information provided.

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