Agenda item

To consider motions under procedural rule 7.12

Motion 1 – this motion has been removed from the agenda as the Mayor has ruled that it does not meet section 7.12e of section 4 of the council’s constitution - every motion shall be relevant to some matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the Borough.



Motion 2


Gedling Borough Council notes the difficulties faced with on-street parking and the

increase in the number of cars per household.


To help mitigate new housing from increasing the amount of on-street parking, this

Council has an adopted Supplementary Planning Document referenced in LPD 57

‘Parking Provision for Residential and Non-Residential Developments’ (February 2022) (“SPD”), however, this policy allows for unallocated spaces which includes on-street parking as part of meeting the required parking provision.


The SPD also states at paragraph 4.12 that whilst “The expectation is that parking

standards will be met, however if the development is served by one or more regular

public transport service, this may be a material consideration justifying a reduced

parking provision requirement, especially if a site is located within; or close to a central area.”


This Council can not, however, control who moves into housing that does not have

provision for off-street parking and can therefore not enforce the use of public transport or none use of personal vehicles.


Therefore, Gedling Borough Council resolves to recommend that Cabinet considers a

review of the ‘Parking Provision for Residential and Non-Residential Developments’

Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and such review to include:


1.     the removal of paragraph 4.12 and its content from the ‘Parking Provision for Residential and Non-Residential Developments’.

2.     the provision that all car parking requirements serving occupants on new developments must be met within residential curtilages


Proposer: Cllr Stuart Bestwick

Seconder: Cllr Helen Greensmith


Motion 3


Currently, ashes can be interred in Gedling Borough Council cemeteries between Monday and Friday at a fee of £221 which are observed by the Council’s cemetery staff. There is, however, demand for this service at weekends, including from working families and those who have family members who are not local to the Borough.


This Council therefore resolves, subject to approval of a business case, that Council staff are made available to observe the internment of ashes on two Saturdays per month for a trial period of at least six months.


Proposer: Cllr Sam Smith

Seconder: Cllr Mike Adams



Motion 1 – this motion had been removed from the agenda as the Mayor ruled that it did not meet section 7.12e of section 4 of the council’s constitution - every motion shall be relevant to some matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties, or which affects the Borough.


A point of order was raised on this from Councillors Whiting and Gibbons to ascertain if there were any additional reasonings for the removal. The Mayor confirmed she had done this using her judgement of section 7.12e of the councils’ constitution.


Motion 2


Councillor Bestwick, seconded by Councillor Greensmith, proposed a motion in the following terms:


“Gedling Borough Council notes the difficulties faced with on-street parking and the increase in the number of cars per household.


To help mitigate new housing from increasing the amount of on-street parking, this Council has an adopted Supplementary Planning Document referenced in LPD 57 ‘Parking Provision for Residential and Non-Residential Developments’ (February 2022) (“SPD”), however, this policy allows for unallocated spaces which includes on-street parking as part of meeting the required parking provision.


The SPD also states at paragraph 4.12 that whilst “The expectation is that parking standards will be met, however if the development is served by one or more regular public transport service, this may be a material consideration justifying a reduced parking provision requirement, especially if a site is located within; or close to a central area.”


This Council can not, however, control who moves into housing that does not have provision for off-street parking and can therefore not enforce the use of public transport or none use of personal vehicles.


Therefore, Gedling Borough Council resolves to recommend that Cabinet considers a review of the ‘Parking Provision for Residential and Non-Residential Developments’ Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and such review to include:


1.     the removal of paragraph 4.12 and its content from the ‘Parking Provision for Residential and Non-Residential Developments’.


2.     the provision that all car parking requirements serving occupants on new developments must be met within residential curtilages


Proposer: Cllr Stuart Bestwick

Seconder: Cllr Helen Greensmith”


Councillor Gibbons left the meeting.


On being put to a vote, the motion was lost.


Councillor Gibbons returned to the meeting.

Councillor Whiting left the meeting.


Motion 3


Councillor Sam Smith, seconded by Councillor Adams, proposed a motion in the following terms:


“Currently, ashes can be interred in Gedling Borough Council cemeteries between Monday and Friday at a fee of £221 which are observed by the Council’s cemetery staff. There is, however, demand for this service at weekends, including from working families and those who have family members who are not local to the Borough.


This Council therefore resolves, subject to approval of a business case, that Council staff are made available to observe the internment of ashes on two Saturdays per month for a trial period of at least six months.


Proposer: Cllr Sam Smith

Seconder: Cllr Mike Adams”

Councillor Whiting returned to the meeting.


And amendment was proposed by Councillor Paling and seconded by Councillor Clarke in the following terms:


“Currently, ashes can be interred in Gedling Borough Council cemeteries between Monday and Friday at a fee of £221 which are observed by the Council’s cemetery staff. There is, however, demand for this service at weekends, including from working families and those who have family members who are not local to the Borough.


This Council therefore resolves, to refer to Cabinet the consideration of a business case, to enable the internment of ashes at Council cemeteries on two Saturdays per month for a trial period of at least six months.


Any such business case will be subject to appropriate consultation with staff and representative bodies.


Proposer: Cllr Marje Paling

Seconder: Cllr John Clarke”


An adjournment was proposed, seconded, and agreed to allow members time to review the amendment. Upon return, the proposer and seconder of the original motion indicated their support and acceptance of the amendment. As such, it was deemed to be the substantive motion.


Upon being put to a vote, the motion was carried unanimously.




Currently, ashes can be interred in Gedling Borough Council cemeteries between Monday and Friday at a fee of £221 which are observed by the Council’s cemetery staff. There is, however, demand for this service at weekends, including from working families and those who have family members who are not local to the Borough.


This Council therefore resolves, to refer to Cabinet the consideration of a business case, to enable the internment of ashes at Council cemeteries on two Saturdays per month for a trial period of at least six months.


Any such business case will be subject to appropriate consultation with staff and representative bodies.


Proposer: Cllr Sam Smith

Seconder: Cllr Mike Adams