Agenda item

To consider motions under procedural rule 7.12

Motion 1:


This Council notes:

1) The Overview & Scrutiny Committee has a vital role in scrutinising the work of the Cabinet

2) That to strengthen this role, it is appropriate for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee not to be members of the Council's Ruling Group.


This Council therefore resolves:

1) To add the following words to the existing section of the Constitution at

"Section 4- The Full Council: 7.22 Election of a Chair of a Committee”:

"The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee shall be a member of the largest political group that is different to that of the Leader of the Council. The Vice-Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee shall not be a member of the same political group as that of the Leader of the Council"

2) That the change to the Constitution to come into force at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Council for the 2024/25 Council Year.


Proposer: Cllr Ellwood

Seconder: Cllr Hughes


Motion 2:


Gedling Borough Council notes the significant impact surface water run-off and flooding from housing developments under construction has on surrounding residential areas and local businesses.


This Council notes that the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) currently states that housing developers only have to ensure that permanent drainage is in place on a building site once the last house is completed. 


Gedling Borough Council also notes that the Government are in the process of updating the NPPF and that the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities said recently in the House of Commons that he hopes to see more about sustainable drainage systems in the updated National Planning Policy Framework.


In the meantime, to help mitigate any surface water run-off and flooding from housing developments under construction within Gedling Borough, Gedling Borough Council resolves to:


·       Continue imposing planning conditions requiring the implementation of measures to ensure that surface water run-off is mitigated during the construction phase of new housing development on elevated sites; and


·       Recommends the introduction a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) that ensures adequate drainage is installed first on any new housing development site before any other construction works are carried out.


This SPD should be presented to Cabinet for adoption early in the New Year and apply to future planning applications submitted and approved after its implementation date.


Proposer: Cllr Sam Smith 

Seconder: Cllr Mike Adams


Motion 3:


This Council resolves to create a planning committee call-in procedure, whereby Councillors can require an application, within their ward, that would normally be determined under the delegated authority to be called in for determination by the Planning Committee.


A draft of this procedure should be presented at Planning Committee for consideration early in the New Year.


Proposer: Cllr Stuart Bestwick

Seconder: Cllr Jane Walker



Motion 1


As the first motion related to a change in the procedure rules, the motion was proposed and seconded at the previous meeting but stood adjourned without discussion until this meeting of the council.


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Sam Smith and seconded by Councillor Martin Smith in the following terms:


“This Council notes:

1) The Overview & Scrutiny Committee has a vital role in scrutinising the work of the Cabinet

2) That to strengthen this role, it is appropriate for the Vice-Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee not to be a member of the Council's Ruling Group.


This Council therefore resolves to:

1) Add the following words to the existing section of the Constitution at

Section 4- The Full Council: 7.22 Election of a Chair of a Committee: ‘The Vice-Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee shall not be a member of the same political group as that of the Leader of the Council’.


The change to the Constitution will come into force at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Council for the 2024/25 Council Year.


Proposer: Cllr Sam Smith

Seconder: Cllr Martin Smith”


The Mayor adjourned the meeting to allow the Monitoring Officer to review the amendment, which was deemed to be acceptable by the Mayor.


Being put to a vote, the amendment was lost.


The original motion was then debated and on put to a vote, it was also lost.


Motion 2


Councillor Sam Smith, seconded by Councillor Adams, proposed a motion in the following terms:


“Gedling Borough Council notes the significant impact surface water run-off and flooding from housing developments under construction has on surrounding residential areas and local businesses.


This Council notes that the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) currently states that housing developers only have to ensure that permanent drainage is in place on a building site once the last house is completed.


Gedling Borough Council also notes that the Government are in the process of updating the NPPF and that the Secretary of State for Levelling Up,

Housing and Communities said recently in the House of Commons that he hopes to see more about sustainable drainage systems in the updated National Planning Policy Framework.


 In the meantime, to help mitigate any surface water run-off and flooding from housing developments under construction within Gedling Borough, Gedling Borough Council resolves to:


·       Continue imposing planning conditions requiring the implementation of measures to ensure that surface water run-off is mitigated during the construction phase of new housing development on elevated sites; and


·       Recommends the introduction a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) that ensures adequate drainage is installed first on any new housing development site before any other construction works are carried out.


 This SPD should be presented to Cabinet for adoption early in the New Year and apply to future planning applications submitted and approved after its implementation date.


Proposer: Cllr Sam Smith

Seconder: Cllr Mike Adams”


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Payne and seconded by Councillor Hollingsworth in the following terms:


“Gedling Borough Council notes the significant impact surface water run-off and flooding from housing developments under construction has on surrounding residential areas and local businesses.


This Council notes that the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) currently states that housing developers only have to ensure that permanent drainage is in place on a building site once the last house is completed.


Gedling Borough Council calls on the Government to urgently update the NPPF to strengthen requirements regarding sustainable drainage systems, following the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ recent statement in the House of Commons that he hopes to see more about sustainable drainage systems in the updated National Planning Policy Framework.


Gedling Borough Council is disappointed the Government failed to include improved sustainable drainage systems in their 5 September 2023 update of the NPPF, which was issued by the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities in a written ministerial statement.


In the meantime, to help mitigate any surface water run-off and flooding from housing developments under construction within Gedling Borough, Gedling Borough Council resolves to:


·       Endorse the approach currently taken by the Council by continuing to impose planning conditions requiring the implementation of measures to ensure that surface water run-off is mitigated during the construction phase of new housing development on elevated sites; and


·       Recommends that Cabinet receives a report to consider the introduction of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) that ensures adequate drainage is installed first on any new housing development site before any other construction works are carried out.


This report should outline the necessity and feasibility of such an SPD and should be presented to Cabinet for consideration early in the New Year.


Proposer: Cllr Michael Payne

Seconder: Cllr Jenny Hollingsworth”


An adjournment was proposed, seconded, and agreed to allow members time to review the amendment. Upon return, the proposer and seconder of the original motion indicated their support and acceptance of the amendment. As such, it was deemed to be the substantive motion.


Upon being put to a vote, the motion was carried unanimously.




Gedling Borough Council notes the significant impact surface water run-off and flooding from housing developments under construction has on surrounding residential areas and local businesses.


This Council notes that the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) currently states that housing developers only have to ensure that permanent drainage is in place on a building site once the last house is completed.


Gedling Borough Council calls on the Government to urgently update the NPPF to strengthen requirements regarding sustainable drainage systems, following the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ recent statement in the House of Commons that he hopes to see more about sustainable drainage systems in the updated National Planning Policy Framework.


Gedling Borough Council is disappointed the Government failed to include improved sustainable drainage systems in their 5 September 2023 update of the NPPF, which was issued by the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities in a written ministerial statement.


In the meantime, to help mitigate any surface water run-off and flooding from housing developments under construction within Gedling Borough, Gedling Borough Council resolves to:


·       Endorse the approach currently taken by the Council by continuing to impose planning conditions requiring the implementation of measures to ensure that surface water run-off is mitigated during the construction phase of new housing development on elevated sites; and


·       Recommends that Cabinet receives a report to consider the introduction of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) that ensures adequate drainage is installed first on any new housing development site before any other construction works are carried out.


This report should outline the necessity and feasibility of such an SPD and should be presented to Cabinet for consideration early in the New Year.


Proposer: Cllr Sam Smith

Seconder: Cllr Michael Adams


Motion 3


Councillor Bestwick, seconded by Councillor Walker, proposed a motion in the following terms:


“This Council resolves to create a planning committee call-in procedure, whereby Councillors can require an application, within their ward, that would normally be determined under the delegated authority to be called in for determination by the Planning Committee.


A draft of this procedure should be presented at Planning Committee for consideration early in the New Year.


Proposer: Cllr Stuart Bestwick

Seconder: Cllr Jane Walker”


Upon being put to a vote, the motion was lost.