Agenda item

Application no. 2019/1180 - 34 Main Street, Calverton


Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 3 retail units at ground floor with 8 apartments over.


Emily Quilty, a local resident, spoke in objection to the application.


The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report.  He informed the committee that following the publication of the agenda a further seven letters of representation had been received relating to heritage impact, residential amenity, highway safety, visual amenity, ecology and other matters relating to no demand for the retail units and  increased flooding risk. 


He summarised a statement that the applicant’s agent had provided in which they supported the officer’s recommendation - the proposal accorded with the adopted development plan; the proposal did not require any changes to the bus stop; they agreed to the suggested conditions including the additional survey work in relation to trees and protected species and concluded that the development was in accordance with both Local and National Planning Policy thus fulfilling the allocation afforded to the site within the Local Plan making.


He added that in relation to the additional representations the majority of the comments reiterated those previously discussed within the report and provided further clarity on highway safety and heritage impact.


He concluded that the proposal would not result in unacceptable harm to the amenity of neighbouring occupiers and subject to additional survey work to adequately assess the impact on trees and protected species, the proposal was recommended for approval subject to the conditions set out in the report.


Councillor Hope declared an interest in item number 4 - Application no. 2019/1180 - 34 Main Street, Calverton by virtue of his position as a Parish Councillor for Calverton Parish Council.  Councillor Hope informed the committee that he personally had no input or discussions with Calverton Parish Council leading to their objections to the application. 


On the requisition of two members, the motion to grant planning permission was put to a named vote and the motion was not carried.


For the motion:

Councillors Lawrence and Truscott


Against the motion:

Councillors Adams, Creamer, David Ellis, Ellwood, Hope, Keneally, Paling, Parr, Scroggie, Sam Smith, Wheeler, Wilkinson








The Chair proposed a motion, which was seconded, to record the names of councillors who would be willing to appear at a hearing if the refusal of the application, contrary to officer recommendation was to be the subject of an appeal.


Councillors Adams, Creamer, David Ellis, Ellwood, Hope, Keneally, Paling, Parr, Scroggie, Sam Smith, Wheeler and Wilkinson all raised their hands to indicate that they would be prepared to appear at a hearing if required.


The Chair proposed a motion, which was seconded, to briefly adjourn the meeting to allow officers to draft the proposed reasons for refusal of the application. The motion was supported and the Chair declared it carried.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:16pm


The meeting resumed at 7:26pm


Councillor David Ellis re-joined the meeting.


Following debate, an alternative proposal to refuse planning permission was moved and duly seconded and it was




To refuse the application for the following reasons:


  1. The three storey element of the proposal would result in less than substantial harm to the setting of the conservation area and listed church that is not outweighed by the identified public benefit of the development, contrary to Part 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), Policy 11 of the Aligned Core Strategy (ACS) and Policies LPD 26, LPD 27 and LPD 28 of the Local Planning Document (LPD).


  1. The design of the proposed development would result in in less than substantial harm to the setting of the conservation area and listed church that is not outweighed by the identified public benefit of the development, contrary to Part 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), Policy 11 of the Aligned Core Strategy (ACS) and Policies LPD 26, LPD 27 and LPD 28 of the Local Planning Document (LPD).


Supporting documents: