Reserved Matters Application for the erection of 255no. dwellings (C3), including 13 affordable units and associated infrastructure including landscaping and public open space pursuant to outline planning permission 2017/0999 (Phase 3).
Grace Clarkson, Land & Planning Manager of Persimmon (Nottingham) spoke in support of the application.
The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report and informed the committee that additional details had been provided in relation to the garages which confirmed that the garages now accord with the adopted SPD in relation to footprints.
He added that the garage openings were marginally below that set out in the SPD but overall the scheme was considered to accord with the SPD as there would be the ability to park a vehicle on the highway outside of each property.
He added that a revised layout plan had been received which showed bin collection points adjacent to the adopted highway serving the private drives to ensure that future residents would not have an unacceptable bin carry distance.
He concluded that as such it was necessary to update the approved plan condition, Condition 1, to include the additional garage plans and the layout plan that now included bin collection areas, and recommended that the application be approved subject to incorporating those revisions to Condition 1.
To Grant Approval of Reserved Matters subject to the following conditions:
1 This permission shall be read in accordance with the following plans:
Ph3 Planning Layout Drawing No. TGDP/TCGN/PH3-PL1 rev A
Charter Plan (materials and boundary treatments) RG3/CP/01 Sheet 1 of 2 rev A
Charter Plan (materials and boundary treatments) RG3/CP/02 Sheet 2 of 2 rev A
Details of Soft landscaping 9039-L-01 Rev F Sheet 1
Details of Soft landscaping 9039-L-02 Rev F Sheet 2
Details of Soft landscaping 9039-L-03 Rev F Sheet 3
Details of Soft landscaping 9039-L-04 Rev F Sheet 4
Details of Soft landscaping 9039-L-05 Rev F Sheet 5
Details of Soft landscaping 9039-L-06 Rev F Sheet 6
Details of Soft landscaping 9039-L-07 Rev F Sheet 7
Details of Soft landscaping 9039-L-08 Rev F Sheet 8
Details of Soft landscaping 9039-L-09 Rev F Sheet 9
Affordable Housing TGDP/TCGN/PH3-PL1 – Affordable Housing Location
Pumping Station Details Dwg No. PR10422-001
Pumping Station Details Dwg No. PR10422-002
Pumping Station Details Dwg No. PR10422-003
Pumping Station Details Dwg No. PR10422-004
Pumping Station Details Dwg No. PR10422-005
Pumping Station Details Dwg No. PR10422-006
Pumping Station Details Dwg No. PR10422-007
Pumping Station Details Dwg No. PR10422-008
Pumping Station Details Dwg No. PR10422-009
Pumping Station Details Dwg No. PR10422-0010
Clayton Corner – CAA-WD16
Bickleigh – ST-WD10
Hatfield – HT-WD16
Yarm – YM-WD10
Piccadily – PY-WD10
Moseley –MS-WD10
Hanbury – HB-WD
The Alnwick AN-WD10
Oxford OX-WD10
Regent –RT-WD10
Bond -BD –WD10
Fenchurch FH-WD10
Edlingham (Village) EL-WD16
Harley HY-WD10 – RevQ
Corfe CF-WD16
Mayfair MY-WD10 Rev J
Strand ST – WD10 Rev L
Winster WS-WD16
Chedworth CD-WD16
Knightsbridge KB-WD10 Rev G
Kendall Village KL-WD10 Rev H
Downing DG-WD10 Rev J
Leicester LR-WD16
Roseberry RS-WD16
Whitehall WH-WD10 Rev G
Single garage – plans and elevations
Double and paired garages – plans and elevations
The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these plans.
2 No part of the development hereby permitted shall be brought into use until all drives and parking areas are surfaced in a bound material (not loose gravel). The surfaced drives and parking areas shall then be maintained in such bound material for the life of the development.
3 No part of the development hereby permitted shall be brought into use until the access driveways and parking areas are constructed with provision to prevent the unregulated discharge of surface water from the driveways and parking areas to the public highway. The provision to prevent the unregulated discharge of surface water to the public highway shall then be retained for the life of the development.
1 To define the permission and for the avoidance of doubt.
2 To reduce the possibility of deleterious material being deposited on the public highway.
3 To ensure surface water from the site is not deposited on the public highway causing dangers to road users.
Notes to Applicant
The Borough Council has worked positively and proactively with the applicant in accordance with paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).
Supporting documents: