Agenda item

Application No. 2019/0479 - 5 Station Road, Carlton, NG4 3AT


Outline Planning Application for the demolition of The Cottage to the rear of 5 Station Road and the erection of 12 No. x C3 Apartments and 2 dormer bungalows on land to the rear of 5 Station Road, Carlton (access, appearance, layout and scale to be determined).


The Service Manager – Development Services introduced the report.




To Refuse Permission.




 1         The development does not constitute an acceptable form of residential development and would consist of the over development of this site. The layout proposed is of a poor design and would lead to a cramped and contrived form of development that would be out of character with the form of development within the area. Furthermore, the layout would cause harm to the residential amenity of neighbouring properties, the residential properties within the application site area and the future proposed occupiers in terms of overlooking, poor outlook, massing on the boundaries and noise and disturbance created by vehicular movements generated by the development along the access driveway serving no 5 and 7 Station Road. The layout also fails to provide sufficient private amenity garden space for the proposed bungalows. The development is therefore contrary to Section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy 10 of the Aligned Core Strategy 2014 and Policies LPD32, LPD34, LPD35 and LPD40 of the Local Planning Document 2018.


 2         The development does not provide a safe and appropriate access with the current driveway being sub-standard, and any additional intensification would cause highway safety concerns. The traffic generated by the proposed development would be likely to result in an unacceptable increase in danger to the users of the highway due to increased use of the existing access/junction which is geometrically substandard, of an insufficient width and insufficient entry radii that would be able to accommodate the proposed development including the ability for larger vehicles and emergency vehicles to turn and exit the site in a forward gear. The traffic generated by the proposed development would be likely to result in an increase in danger to other users of the highway owing to increased use of the existing access which has sub-standard visibility. The proposed gradient of the site and the insufficient width of the access driveway would make movement between the site and the highway difficult and would consequently increase the likelihood of danger to users of the highway. Furthermore, at this density the site would not be of a sufficient size to accommodate sufficient parking to serve the development. The development is therefore contrary to Section 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies LPD57 and LPD61 of the Local Planning Document 2018 and the 'Parking Provision for Residential Development' SPD 2012.


 3         The application would lead to the loss of trees worthy of protection of a Tree Preservation Order and their loss would have a detrimental impact upon the character of the area contrary to the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework and Core Strategy Policy 10 and LPD19.


 4         Insufficient information has been submitted to allow a full assessment of the implications of the development on the ecology and wildlife within and around the site contrary to section 15 of the National Planning Policy Framework and LPD18.








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