Agenda and draft minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday 17 July 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors V McCrossen, Paling and Payne.


To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2024 pdf icon PDF 112 KB




That the minutes of the above meeting, having been circulated, be approved as a correct record.


Declaration of interests


Councillors Hollingsworth and Pearson declared non-pecuniary interests in item 12 due to the fact that the item relates to Gedling ward.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 139 KB

Report of the Democratic Services Manager

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Democratic Services Manager, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, detailing the Executive’s draft Forward Plan for the next six month period.




To note the report.


Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Report of the Senior Leadership Team

Additional documents:


The Chief Finance Officer introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, seeking referral to Council for the approval and adoption of the flexible use of capital receipts strategy.




To recommend to Full Council the approval and adoption of the flexible use of capital receipts strategy 2024/25.


Budget Outturn and Budget Carry Forwards 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 312 KB

Report of the Senior Leadership Team

Additional documents:


The Chief Finance Officer introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, informing members of the budget outturn and budget carry forwards for 2023/24.


The report also asked Cabinet to note the final outturn position for 2023/24 and:


1)    Approve the movements on earmarked reserves and provisions;


2)    Note the capital carry forward budgets approved by the Chief Finance Officer in accordance with financial regulations;


3)    Approve the carry forward of non-committed capital budgets from 2023/24 as additions to the 2024/25 budget in accordance with financial regulations; and


4)    Recommend that Council approve the method of financing the 2023/24 capital expenditures which includes making the determinations required for the minimum revenue provision.




1)    Note the budget outturn figures for 2023/24;


2)    Approve the movements in earmarked reserves and provisions as detailed in paragraph 2.7 of the report;


3)    Approve the reimbursement of £1,454,360 CIL funds into earmarked reserves as detailed in paragraph 2.10 of the report;


4)    Note the capital carry forwards approved by the Chief Finance Officer included in appendix 6 to the report, being amounts not in excess of £50,000 and committed schemes above £50,000;


5)    Approve the capital carry forwards of £1,883,400 included in appendix 6 to the report for non-committed schemes in excess of £50,000; and


6)    Refer to full Council for approval:


                         i.         The overall method of financing of the 2023/24 capital expenditure as set out in paragraph 3.4; and


                       ii.         The determination of the minimum revenue provision for the repayment of debt as set out in paragraph 3.5.



Annual Treasury Activity Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 521 KB

Report of the Senior Leadership Team

Additional documents:


The Chief Finance Officer introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, informing members of the outturn on the 2023/24 prudential code indicators and advising members of the outturn on treasury activity.




To approve the Annual Treasury Activity report for 202324 and refer it to Full Council for approval.



Quarter 4 (year end) performance information pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of the Senior Leadership Team


The Director of Transformation introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, informing members of the position against improvement actions and performance indicators in the 2023/24 Gedling Plan at the end of quarter 4 and year end.




To note the progress against improvement actions and performance indicators for quarter 4 and the full year of 2023/24 Gedling Plan.



Gedling Plan - Annual report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 275 KB

Report of the Senior Leadership Team

Additional documents:


The Director of Transformation introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, seeking members’ agreement to the wide publication of the proposed Gedling Plan Annual Report for 2023/24.




To approve the Gedling Plan Annual Report for 2023/24 for wide publication internally and externally as described within the report.



Council productivity plan pdf icon PDF 370 KB

Report of the Chief Executive

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, seeking approval of the Council’s Productivity Plan.




1)    To approve the Council’s Productivity Plan for publication and submission to the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC); and


2)    To refer to Full Council for information and noting.




Strategic Review - Community Facilities pdf icon PDF 301 KB

Report of the Head of Communities and Leisure

Additional documents:


The Head of Communities and Leisure introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, advising members on the findings and recommendations from the Strategic Outcomes Planning Model review and seeking approval for further feasibility work on the future development of a new Carlton Leisure and Community Wellbeing Centre, future consultation with stakeholders and approval of resources to fund the proposed pre-construction feasibility programme.




1)    Note the research, findings and recommendations from the Strategic Outcomes Planning Model Strategy Stages 2, 3 and 4 and its associated Indoor Built Facilities Strategy;


2)    Approve a pre-construction feasibility programme in relation to the development of a new Carlton Leisure and Community Wellbeing Centre on the Richard Herrod Centre site up to RIBA Stage 2;


3)    Approve the establishment of a project board and project team to lead on the development programme for a new Carlton Leisure and Community Wellbeing Centre;


4)    Authorise consultation with stakeholders and residents regarding the facilities, activities and services to be included in a new Carlton Leisure and Community Wellbeing Centre; and


5)    Note that a virement be approved by the Chief Finance Officer from the Leisure Strategy Earmarked Reserve (as set out in Financial Regulations) for £500,000 for the pre-construction feasibility programme for a new Carlton Leisure and Community Wellbeing Centre;


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Non- Parish Funding – Consultation Response and Funding Decision pdf icon PDF 708 KB

Report of the Community Infrastructure Levy Officer

Additional documents:


The CIL and Section 106 Monitoring Officer introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, advising members of representations and comments received in relation to the CIL Non-Parish Neighbourhood Public Consultation, and seeking approval of the awarding of CIL Non-Parish Neighbourhood Funding and the retention of unsuccessful projects on the Local Infrastructure Schedule.




1)    Award CIL Non-Parish Neighbourhood Funding up to £62,678 to project LIS5 – 1st Gedling Scout Group HQ Refurbishment;


2)    Retain LIS1 – Cinder Path Extension on Local Infrastructure Schedule for reconsideration as part of next year’s CIL Non-Parish Neighbourhood Funding awards;


3)    Retain LIS2 – Gedling Youth & Community Hub Regeneration Project on the Local Infrastructure Schedule for reconsideration as part of next year’s CIL Non-Parish Neighbourhood Funding awards;


4)    Retain LIS3 – Lambley Village Cricket Club on Local Infrastructure Schedule for reconsideration as part of next year’s CIL Non-Parish Neighbourhood Funding awards; and


5)    Retain LIS4 – Mapperley All Stars (MAS) Community Sports Development on Local Infrastructure Schedule for reconsideration as part of next year’s CIL Non-Parish Neighbourhood Funding awards.


Annual CCTV report pdf icon PDF 163 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive


Additional documents:


The Principal Solicitor introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, updating members on work undertaken and planned, to ensure good governance and compliance with the law in respect of the Council’s surveillance systems, seeking approval of amendments to the Council’s Policy and Code of Practice for Surveillance Cameras and giving the Deputy Chief Executive authority to approve all new acquisitions of surveillance cameras.




1)    Note the work that has been undertaken and continues to be done to ensure lawful compliance and good governance and efficacy in the operation and use of the Council’s surveillance systems;


2)    Approve the amended Council Policy and Code of Practice for Surveillance Cameras at Appendix 1 to this report; and


3)    Delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive, as Senior Responsible Officer, to approve any additional CCTV equipment acquired by the Council in consultation with the Portfolio Holder responsible for Crime and Prevention, including, where necessary, authority to submit an application for planning permission in respect of CCTV equipment.


Any other items the Chair considers urgent.

