
Gedling Youth Council - Monday 17 February 2020 5.30 pm

Venue: Elizabeth Room - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Jane Ansell  Community Investment Manager

No. Item


Welcome, refreshments, icebreaker


Apologies received, minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 363 KB


Councillor Kathryn Fox, Policy Advisor for Young People and Equalities

Items for discussion: Proposed pilot young person’s Film Night – Friday 20th March in the evening at The Bonington Theatre.



Healthwatch Expression of interest (appendix 1) pdf icon PDF 571 KB

Matthew Goodwin-Freeman, Young Trustee, Healthwatch, and former Youth Parliament Member.



Youth Council work programme

  • Young People’s Consultation and Holiday Activity Programme – commissioning brief


  • Children’s Commissioner Senior Leadership Team Takeover scheduled for Tuesday 10th March 9.00 am – 12.00 noon – Working group: Husna, Fatima, Joe, Halle, Muhammad and Abigail. Feedback from planning group meeting held on Weds 5th February.


  • Knife Crime Film update  - Joe McFadden, Jane Ansell


Meeting of the Knife Crime Working Group scheduled for Tuesday 25th March, 5 – 7pm in the Committee Room.


  • Youth Council Webpage


  • Youth Council representation review and callout for new members from underrepresented schools.



Updates: Youth Mayor, Youth Parliament representative, Young People's Health Champion

  • County Youth Participation Team developments: Amy



Any Other Business, meeting closes 7.30pm

Future meeting dates to be shared on the night